Hollywood’s Struggles with Wokeness

Michael Shellenberger's article at Public. "We Are Only Now Starting To Recover From The Madness

Its political power has broken, but Wokeism is still ruining the culture."  Excerpt:

“Complete intolerance became almost a religion,” wrote [actress Justine] Bateman, “and one’s professional and social life was threatened almost constantly. Those that spoke otherwise were ruined as a warning to others.”

Hollywood is not only one of the most status-obsessed neighborhoods in the world, it is also one of the most Woke. In 2020, the Academy of Motion Pictures mandated racial quotas. CBS required that 50% of its writers’ rooms be non-white. And a culture of fear of saying the wrong thing spread.

“This was the era of trying to exercise control over those who dd not want to follow the crowd,” wrote Bateman, “and has their own ideas about what they needed to do.”

At this point, Bateman circles back to the demands of the SAG actors union, which protested studios efforts to replace them with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

“This dampened our culture and innovation, bringing people to even think that generative #AI, a regurgitation of the past, was actually our cultural future. When you starve a society of those called to be independent thinkers and cultural and intellectual innovators, you rob that society of any forward movement.”

What Bateman is saying is that Wokeism had so destroyed cultural innovation in Hollywood that many of its leaders, executives, and creative geniuses had become resigned to AI taking over the role of real humans.

Bateman isn’t alone in her assessment. “Everyone has gone so underground with their true feelings about things,” the writer and director of HBO’s “The White Lotus” told fellow Gen Xers Peter Kiefer and Peter Savodnik of The Free Press.  “We spoke to more than 25 writers, directors, and producers—all of whom identify as liberal, and all of whom described a pervasive fear of running afoul of the new dogma.”

Bateman put her finger on the essential status-obsessed nature of Wokeism, which had been taken up most vigorously by Millennials but enabled by the “Me” generation of Baby Boomer liberals.

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Democrats Embracing the Warmongers

This wasn't on my Bingo card either . . .

The NYT did a mea culpa for its Iraq war lies:

But we have found a number of instances of coverage that was not as rigorous as it should have been. In some cases, information that was controversial then, and seems questionable now, was insufficiently qualified or allowed to stand unchallenged. Looking back, we wish we had been more aggressive in re-examining the claims as new evidence emerged -- or failed to emerge.

But now the NYT is back to lying with vigor:

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The Color Revolution Playbook. What is the Blob’s Strategy During/After this Election

Start at Min 5 . . . then see below.

Excellent Summary of Mike Benz by Robert Randanon (@Randanon5):

Step 1: Delay, prevent certification, buy time to execute a color revolution regime change at the point of maximum vulnerability

Here's the formula to prevent Trump from taking office, per @MikeBenzCyber, keying off "Transitions from Postcommunism" by fmr Amb to Russia, CIA #colorrevoluion coordinator, Michael McFaul:

Following this, we'll talk a bit about the key Blob vulnerabilities and how to counter it.

The Playbook:

    1. De-legitimize the Trump win -- must happen quickly and delay any certification
    2. Prevent certification via chaos, threats to key congress people, immense media pressure, and massive public protests and street riots (rent-a-mobs + useful idiots), etc. (The mob is crucial. The mob muscle is the most important pressure mechanism.)
    3. Move the decision to SCOTUS, and pile on the pressure to void Trump's win.
    4. Media surround-sound lionizes the mob as freedom fighters, fighting for "democracy" and it's non-stop. The country is "on fire."
    5. The SCOTUS justices are intimidated, as they were in 2020... install Trump in office and "the whole country will burn down." Redo the election? Can't! The country will burn!
    6. SCOTUS acquiesces, to "save the country," and appoints Harris and the Blob maintains control via their color revolution. (Once they're in power, I would expect the political prisoner count to go through the roof.)
    7. Per Benz, the final "arrangement" is a compromise, a split between the guys with guns (often feds vs more local law enforcement). They stand down.

How Do you Stop a Color Revolution? What is the Achilles heel? Well, we have examples of it. Several of them in different areas of the world have in fact been intercepted and stopped, but it takes some strong action. There are three key vulnerabilities. They are:

      Media Control

      Rent-a-mob generation, and

      Corporate Extortion Funding

    1. Absolute control of the media -- The Blob has to control the narrative. They must portray the plight of "poor demonstrators" as highly moral, a fight for "freedom" against "tyranny." The rioters are saints, fighting against a clearly "stolen election." The rioters are the "saviors of democracy."
    [More ...]

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Journalism Defined and Mangled by MSNBC at Madison Square Garden

Eric Weinstein schools us on the basics of journalism:

Now consider the "journalism" practiced by MSNBC when describing Trump's Madison Square Garden rally to a 1939 Nazi rally.


But that jamboree happening right now, you see it there on your screen in that place is particularly chilling because in 1939, more than 20,000 supporters of a different fascist leader, Adolf Hitler, packed the Garden for a so-called pro-America rally.

By the way, Trump's "Nazi" rally featured many people who were prominent Democrats until recently, including Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, RFK, Jr.

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