Conservative columnists dominate America’s newspapers

According to this article in Media Matters, Editor and Publisher have painstakingly gathered data to determine what types of columnists are being published in what markets. The results demonstrate a strong conservative bias in most newspapers.  Here are some of the results from the Executive Summary of the study: Sixty percent…

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FOX tries to make Ron Paul invisible

If you don't think that FOX news is absolutely corrupt, and that FOX has drunk lots of concentrated neocon Koolaid, take a look at the furious spin job FOX did during the first Republican debate. This video has been doctored by Ron Paul's people, sometimes in an entertaining way. The…

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“Drill and kill” as a failed educational strategy

What does "No Child Left Behind" mean in real-life classrooms? I've discussed this topic with several grade school teachers. They are uniformly distressed that NCLB narrows the focus of classroom instruction to the point where children are too often "taught" factoids, ephemeral bits of information that will allow them to…

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John Edwards speaks out about our broken political system

Here's what Edwards had to say on August 23 in New Hampshire:  Real change starts with being honest -- the system in Washington is rigged and our government is broken. It's rigged by greedy corporate powers to protect corporate profits. It's rigged by the very wealthy to ensure they become…

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