No pity for FOX “news”

Quite predictably, FOX didn' "hear" any of these protesters address any real issues.  That's because FOX doesn't want to hear things like "Stop the War" and "Stop the torture."   [youtube][/youtube] FOX got exactly the chant it deserved at the end of this video.   That's some free speech for you, FOX. …

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It takes conflict among colleges to make education interesting to the media

If the media really wanted to know about the kind of education offered by America's colleges, they could visit any of hundreds of fine colleges hundreds of days each year. It's a rare day, however, when any corporate media outlet takes interest in education of any sort. Unless, of course,…

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A video-summary of the recent FOX “News” attacks on Barack Obama

Robert Greenwald has put together another sharp-edged video illustrating what Obama is up against from the corporate media, and especially from FOX "News." [youtube][/youtube] And here's a way to take action.

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Georgia On My Mind

Just when we thought it was a good time to buy one of those magnificent, Soviet-era dachas in Georgia, this happens. We're getting the updates on the most spectacular round of this event, but the fact is this has been brewing since the break up of the Soviet Union.  Georgia…

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Our hunger for “The Gene for X” stories and other simplistic explanations

Can one gene make a difference?  Absolutely.  One case in point is Tay-Sachs Disease, a physical condition  where the central nervous system begins to degenerate in a four to six month old child who, until the onset of the disease, appeared normal.  Individuals with Tay-Sachs disease have two copies of a genetic mutation, one copy inherited from each parent.  In a carrier of Tay-Sachs, only one gene is different when compared to non-carriers. That’s how important one gene can be.   When we’re talking about complex behaviors, though, can the “cause” really boil down to one gene?  It’s unlikely.

I recently had the opportunity to attend several sessions of the “Future Directions in Genetic Studies” workshop at Washington University in St. Louis. On Friday, I attended a lively seminar led by Gar Allen, who teaches biology at Washington University. His talk was entitled “What’s Wrong with ‘The Gene for . . .’? Problems with Human Behavior Genetics and How to Combat Them.”

Allen opened his talk by asserting that claims about the genetic basis for complex human behaviors and traits are “notoriously difficult to investigate and replicate.” There is a long and troubled history of claims that genes are the cause of various conditions. For instance, in 1969, Arthur Jensen became the center of a storm when he wrote that Caucasians were more intelligent than African-Americans, suggesting that there was a genetic basis for this difference. Jensen’s position has been heavily criticized by numerous scientists on numerous …


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