All the President’s News Media

This is abhorrent. A national embarrassment. Having news media that is not adversarial to the ruling political elite is like having plumbers who prefer leaky pipes. There is nothing more fundamental for a news reporter than to be skeptical and curious. The best reporters in years past were relentlessly driven forward by the idea that powerful people constantly lie for their own personal gain.

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Ukraine PsyOp Exposed by Matt Orfalea

This is how these corrupt and manipulative politicians and "news reporters" gaslight you and mislead you, intentionally and repeatedly. THIS is why it is my strong default to disbelieve everything and anything politicians or corporate news outlets tell us. This includes NYT, WaPo, NPR, CNN and MSNBC (as well as Fox). They are playing us on Ukraine just like they did with COVID, transgender ideology, "anti-racism," immigration, Russiagate and almost everything else they pretend to cover. Thanks to Matt Orfalea for another great job of documenting this Ukraine PsyOp.

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The Backstory to Matt Orfalea’s “Nobody is Safe” Video

Matt Orfalea made this video to show news media hysteria, the over-exaggerations of the dangers of COVID, the unhinged commentators and "experts" claiming that they knew things that they didn't know. Now hosted on X (Twitter), it's an 11-minute demonstration of top-down bullshit driven by lies and power-mongering. This is what our country was subjected to. It's an incredible shameful reaction by a country that has our resources. And all of this propaganda was going in one direction: Get the vaccine! It's important for all of us to see this montage and reflect on how we will perform regarding the next pandemic. I am pessimistic.

Matt's video consists only of already-published video clips of of news commentators and "experts," leading to Youtube's decision (in May) to demonetize it because "it is not suitable for all advertisers." Welcome to America, 2023.

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Joe Biden Continues to Refuse Secret Service Protection to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

I posted on this topic about a week ago but I'm posting again because the behavior of the Biden White House is despicable. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s father and uncle were assassinated. RFK, Jr. was almost murdered last week. Presidents have always granted Secret service protection to opposing candidate, who requested it, until now. I'm to the point where there is no innocent explanation for the behavior of the White House. Please watch this short video. Don't skip over the beginning where Gavin de Becker describes his noteworthy credentials.

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