Are you having difficulty figuring out who you are ? Then take an inventory of your friends.

Periodically, I become a bit disoriented in the swirl of life, which gives rise to the question: “Who am I?”  We aren’t static beings, of course.  We are complex adaptive systems, communities of relatively simple cellular life that number in the trillions.  Many of “our” cells (in fact, the great…

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Scientist Retracts "Origin of Life" Paper that he Wrote 52 Years Ago

Why would a scientist pull a paper that he had out there for over 50 years? Because he is embarrassed that Creationists are eagerly citing parts of it as proof that life cannot have arisen spontaneously. Here's the story. That is not because he objects to religion, he said... “Religion…

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Don’t stare at dead things or animals having sex.

I bristled yesterday as I read yet another faux-controversy concocting article in my misguided home town paper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  You see, Body Worlds is coming to my town and the morality “experts” are getting restless. The “concern” is that maybe we shouldn’t be staring at dead bodies.  The morality experts quoted…

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More signs of rising economic disparity

Senator Bernie Sanders writes that the American Middle Class is being decimated.  He cites some interesting numbers.  Here's a couple shockers: Robert Frank, a Wall Street Journal reporter, has detailed the lives of the rich and famous in the book Richistan. He writes that households with a net worth of…

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Why the Ten Commandments are a cop-out

Cop-out:  a feebly transparent excuse or explanation for refusing to face up to something.  We constantly hear that the Ten Commandments are the highest achievement of moral law.  We even hear this claim from public officials who can't even name the Commandments.  They want to hang the Commandments everywhere, as though…

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