How shall we punish women who commit murder by having abortions?

Those who vehemently oppose abortion steadfastly claim that abortion is "murder." They want to make it illegal for any woman to have an abortion. Therefore, it seems fair to ask anti-abortionists a simple hypothetical question. Assume that we changed the law and that all abortions were illegal. Under that scenario, how would you punish women who committed "murder" by having abortions?" What do you get when you combine a camcorder, a simple question and a group of fervent anti-abortionists? You get a fascinating set of answers. Where are all of the unflinching statements that the women who have abortions have thus committed murder and that they should all be punished as murderers? There were no such answers. Why all the hedging and squirming? Is it possible that abortion is not really the equivalent of murder? Even in the hearts and minds of those who claim to know for certain that it is "murder"? Assuming that abortion were made illegal, why are so many anti-abortionists so willing to allow a bunch of female murderers walk free without without being penalized under the law? Especially when those who committed the "murder" killed "babies," allegedly with deliberation and premeditation? This January 2008 video was produced by At Center Network, "a project of the Northbrook Peace Committee, Inc., a group that works for justice and nonviolent resolution of conflicts."

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Bless us with discomfort . . .

Now here's a memorable and thoughtful prayer (this link includes the written transcript). It was delivered by Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson as part of the pre-inauguration activities.   As you might recall, Robinson is seen by many as a counter-weight to Obama's selection of Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation.  …

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Bill Moyers corrects the National Director of the Anti-Defamation League

This webpage from Bill Moyers' Journal features a highly charged written exchange between journalist Bill Moyers and Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League on the topic of Israel's recent military incursion into Gaza.   This exchange is a good illustration on how to handle the rhetorical tactics employed by those who…

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Judging the violence of others

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has written an excellent multidisciplinary work on the meaning of life, entitled The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom (2006). I am presently reading Haidt's book for the second time, paragraph by paragraph.  This is clearly one of the books I would take to a…

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