More Jawboning Unearthed by Congressional Committee

If government-aligned activists wanted to win all of the arguments of the day, one way would be to prevent those with opposing viewpoints from promulgating them. New disclosures show that NGOs aligned with the federal government are enthusiastically engaging in this cancel culture on a widespread basis. Ben Shapiro lays out this cancellation strategy in a series of tweets:

What part does the federal government play in this?

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Nurse Investigated by FBI for Exposing Fraudulent Transgender Program

Vanessa Sivadge, a nurse at Texas Children's Hospital admitted that she was the anonymous whistleblower who helped (along with Dr. Eithan Haim) expose a secret transgender medicine program taking place at the hospital. She writes:

I knew what Dr. Haim reported to be true because I worked in the endocrine clinic, and had first-hand knowledge of patients being prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones despite the hospital repeatedly and publicly denying the program's existence.

Texas Children's Hospital is using Medicaid to cover transgender treatments and cross-sex hormones. I know this because I saw it. Medicaid specifically prohibits any coverage of hormones related to transgender medicine, and yet the hospital for years has continued to prescribe and use hormonal therapies for transgender Medicaid patients. In addition, I saw examples of doctors who intentionally misdiagnosed patients for the purpose of justifying cross-sex hormones for transgender patients to get around state law.

Soon after I anonymously came forward to corroborate Dr. Haim, two agents from the FBI came to my home and threatened me. They and told me they were aware of my strong views against "gender-affirming care” and asked to recruit my help in order to expose Dr. Haim. They said they could make my life difficult, and said I was not safe unless I helped them. I felt scared, intimidated, and overwhelmed.

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About Hunter Biden, Burisma and the CIA

What is the deal with Hunter Biden, Burisma and the CIA? Mike Benz explains in the following two tweets:

And then there is more from Mike Benz:

Host on Real America's Voice:

Well, the intelligence officials are refusing to retract or apologize or recognize that they lied to the American people, and this was before the 2020 election. So you could really say this was an intentional election interference by these former intelligence officials, couldn't you?

Mike Benz:

That's exactly what it was. This was a cover up. These are spies who have a license to lie. Remember that when the CIA was constructed in 1947 it was given a so called plausible deniability doctrine, which was basically created so that the US State Department would be able to lie without having US government fingerprints on things and get away with it. It was basically an entire agency, an entire apparatus set up to lie to the American people and to lie to the world in order to hide dirty acts of government, and the fact that it was 51 of these spies doing that lying is bad enough on its own, but it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, and they will never retract that letter because they were in the middle of a CIA operation in Ukraine themselves.

If you remember, the New York Times itself even ran a piece about two months ago about how the CIA essentially took over the Ukrainian intelligence state, effectively took over the Ukrainian government, after the State Department overthrew the democratically elected Government of Ukraine, and the State Department funded $5 billion worth of US taxpayer dollars to support that coup. And Hunter Biden was knee deep in that same Ukraine operation. In fact, Hunter Biden's law firm--it was just published three days ago by John Solomon's Just the News, that Hunter Biden's law firm made a letter request to the State Department to have Burisma considered a vital US national interest. Well, if the State Department accepted that designation.

That means that the CIA, whose job is to provide covert support to the State Department, would have had a green light to protect Burisma in all forms, including the rigging of their prosecution, where Joe Biden himself descended on Ukraine to fire the prosecutor when he was investigating Burisma. The CIA was backing Burisma and that laptop, if you remember, they ran a whole simulation at the Aspen Institute about how to hide the damaging, upcoming story, pre publication, about a Hunter Biden Burisma leak.

So lo and behold, it was the very CIA who who apparently was backing this whole thing. And remember, Cofer Black was also on the board of Burisma. Cofer Black was 30 years at the CIA--won a CIA distinguished medal. He was Mitt Romney's Sherpa to the CIA. According to the Daily Beast. They are covering their own tracks and using their license to lie to do it. You.

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Who is the Real Anthony Fauci?

I had been reading RFK, Jr's long book, The Real Anthony Fauci, when I noticed that a three-hour documentary has been released based on this same book. The documentary is both riveting and demoralizing, filling in dozens of holes avoided by corporate media. They want to keep you ignorant.

I highly recommend watching this so that you can knock the scales from your eyes. It's not merely about Anthony Fauci. It's about our out-of-control corrupt medical system. Rather than getting frustrated by the system, this documentary names names and offers specifics about the cash-infused misguided ideology that now substitutes for what should be free-ranging endlessly-curious and self-critical science. You will learn why your doctors' hands are often tied.

You will learn many reasons for why the existence of the COVID vax is massive scandal and that there were many better alternatives. What makes me sad is that the people who need to watch this the most will refuse to watch it because they insist that Fauci should forever remain on a pedestal no matter how many people he has killed over the decades (including the AIDS scandal) through his corruption and ignorance.

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The Blob Springs into Action Pre-Verdict in the NY Trump Trial

I'm no fan of Donald Trump. Rather, I'm writing this as a student of corporate media corruption and entanglement with the expansive federal security state ("the Blob"). It's amazing to see the power of the Blob. Someone must have hit the "Go" button and they all jumped into action. Who makes these decisions? Are they people who we elected? Or are they the relatively small cabal of super-rich people who largely determine who we get to vote for on a national level to give the illusion that we have a democracy? Check out the many examples below of this most-recent media narrative:

What is "the Blob?" Mike Benz described it in an interview with Dr. Drew:

The blob is actually a term from President Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, who was opining on the difficulty within the White House of getting things done because they seem to be up against an impenetrable force, an a amorphous alien monster that was more powerful than even even the Obama White House. And so he sort of coined this phrase, out of exasperation, in a certain sense, but it's been adopted in Washington. It refers to the foreign policy establishment and I'll sketch out what that is, and it's not just the foreign policy establishment within the government. It is the external stakeholders in the corporate and financial worlds who are the donor draftor class off of the government activity.

So I'll sketch that out a little bit here. The foreign policy establishment is the side of our government that faces outward rather than inward to manage the American empire, rather than the American homeland. We have government agencies that manage the American homeland, like Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor. They all face inward. They don't do international business, so to speak with, you know, Ukraine or Moldova, or Sub Saharan Africa.

We have three sides of our government--three departments or constellations of entities that face outward and those are the Pentagon, the State Department and our intelligence services, such as the CIA. Now, together, they basically form this defense diplomacy intelligence apparatus. And because they face outward and their mandate is to protect and maximize US national interests on the world stage, they have a license to do dirty tricks that domestic facing institutions are not empowered to do. So for example, they can wiretap foreign citizens. They don't need to get a warrant for it. They can bribe foreign media institutions to promote or kill stories. They can set up their own media vehicles to be able to swing hearts and minds so that another country's own parliament votes for or against a different bill there in order to get the people of a foreign country to support a US military base in the region, or a UN Security Council vote in a region. And they're they're deployed with this dirty tricks power, which involves a license to lie.

So for example, the Central Intelligence Agency under National Security Council 10-2 back in the 1940s, was given basically a license to do all sorts of criminal or illegal illegal activity as long as they maintain plausible deniability, meaning as long as the US government could plausibly deny that the Central Intelligence Agency or that the US government was behind it, they could engage in criminal activity. Now, that was all set up the foreign policy establishment, the blob, who again on the inside is State Department, Pentagon and, and CIA--we'll just say for shorthand--for the intelligence community. The social contract when that was set up in 1947 1948, was that it was for managing the American empire for the benefit of the citizens of the homeland. And it would have these dirty tricks powers. It would be able to spy. It would be able to lie. It would be able to rig elections, be able to rig media, because at the end of the day, the citizens here would benefit from it, but it would never be turned on our own citizens. That's what our constitution is for. And, and all the other you know, protections that go into being a US citizen.

That's the inside of the blob. The outside of it is the corporate and financial stakeholder class. These are the corporations and the banks, and the financial investors who are the sort of donor draftor class off of the activities of the government. When I refer to drafting you can think of it like a bike race. The strategy in a bike race is not to be out in front where the full blast of the wind is hitting you. The most efficient strategy in a bike race is to be second in line, to draft off of the person who goes first, so that they cut the wind for you so you save all your energy and are able to just overtake them on the last lap, so to speak.

So US multinational corporations, since the age of globalization, have relied on the blob, have relied on the State Department, the Pentagon to the CIA, in order to protect and secure foreign markets for their products, to protect and secure cheap manufacturing in those regions. To protect and secure against issues around tariffs or taxes or labor or regulations. And it's the job of the State Department to go in and pressure that foreign country's government. It is the job of our Central Intelligence Agency to go in and rig those elections or to go in and set up a constellation of surround-sound NGO media in order to get that country's population to support that initiative. And it's the job of the Pentagon to do both the sort of dangling threat of military intervention in the name of democracy or the civil affairs of hearts-and-minds works around psychological warfare in order to make that that happened.

Now, that is not that redounds to the benefit of US multinational corporations who operate in that region. So famous example: in the oil and gas space, for example, is Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, these companies, most of their most of their profits come from all the different shale or hydrocarbon reserves around the whole rest of the world. Other countries don't want to voluntarily just give up their oil or give up their gas or give up these these loose business partnerships where they get mostly railed in negotiations there. The government has to cut the wind for Chevron and for ExxonMobil, the government has to go in and basically coerce these foreign governments or or offer carrots and sticks. And so so those companies draft off of the activities of the blob. Now because they are also major financial donors to the political class, they are essentially donors into the decision making within the government, while their own corporate and financial interests draft off the activities of the government who does that work?

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