Should Demonstrably Intentional Internet Disinformation be Criminalized?

Okay, perhaps I'm being a bit harsh. But I found some videos on YouTube purporting to show simple homemade tricks for getting power from essentially nothing. The culprit calls himself HouseholdHacker These are very slickly directed and composed, very amateur-looking videos, full of straight-faced monologue and how-to demonstrations, illustrating nothing…

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More than 2,000 Active duty soldiers stick out their necks to protest Iraq occupation

It is amazing to me that so many active duty members of the military would risk repercussions by taking a strong position contrary to the President.   The effort has been organized by Appeal for Redress.  Many active duty, reserve, and guard service members are concerned about the war in Iraq and support…

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And now there’s a war on photography too.

I'm in Washington DC for a conference this week. During a break, I took some photos, though I was hesitant to take any photos that included security (and Washington DC security is everywhere). Based on a blog called War on Photography, my paranoia might have been justified. The behavior reported in…

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Jeffrey Stone on originalism

In "Supreme Imbalance: Why Originalism and Conservative Activism Are Wrong," I think Jeffrey Stone has it about right in his Huffpo article on the jurisprudential doctrine that goes under the name of "originalism." With this mindset, the notion that any particular moment's conception of rights should be taken as exhaustive…

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Why don’t conservative Christians protest the use of legal mind-altering drugs?

I spent some time over at Focus on the Family, a site that teaches God's own version of morality, to see what they had to say about drug use.  As it turned out, the advice depended on whether the drug was illegal, as though God defers to the U.S. Congress…

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