Just Looking

The story is famous and might be just a bit apocryphal, how Galileo turned his new telescope on the sky and offered to show many important people what he had found.  They refused to look, afraid to compromise the world view that bound them to their place and time.  Afraid,…

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The Current Bailout Plan in Graphic Perspective

We've tried to make sense of the huge barely-vetted amount allocated to bailing out failed financial companies. Here is a good view, comparing it to other government programs (adjusted for inflation), such as the Louisiana Purchase, Viet Nam, and the NASA all-time total budget: Chart from VoltageCreative.com Of note to…

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CNN Gives Science Short Shrift

Do you remember when CNN brought us 6 hours of live coverage of a war before the White House admitted that we were in one? Gulf War I forced a change in the relationship between official truth (Pravda) and media observation. Now, in the aftermath of Son of Gulf War,…

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Labels, Living, Categories, Culture

Here is a link to an excellent essay by two of my best friends.  It talks about how labeling plays out in both art and real life and how labels are both irrelevant and destructive. I attended that workshop they refer to, Clarion, and that's where I met them.  That…

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Jesus and the Wise Men of Osirus

Look up into the sky on a winters night, and put yourself into an astrological frame of mind. This is how the best and the brightest of mankind saw the unreachable, unfathomable universe until the last couple of dozen generations. It does not take long to notice a line of…

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