Wither Thou Goest…

Since the trial in Dover, PA over Intelligent Design, it must be obvious hat nothing was really settled other than a specific legal question.  I think it would be a good idea for every one interested in this issue to find and read the decision handed down by the judge. …

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Walmart, out-sourcing and high gas prices

For the past decade or two, American consumers have enjoyed low prices at Walmart, which imports many of its products from China.  Simultaneously, American companies have enjoyed low prices by out-sourcing service jobs to India and manufacturing to China.  Americans, both consumers and business leaders, believe they have saved money by doing this. …

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The shake-up that wasn’t (part 2)

Rumor has it that one reason the Whitehouse hasn't had much staff turnover is because they've had trouble attracting replacements -- not surprising given the stunning incompetence and dishonesty of this Administration. Unfortunately, those they are trying to attract seem unlikely to reverse the situation:  http://mediamatters.org/items/200604190003

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Framing the abortion debate (part 1): What is the missing premise?

A logical argument, known as a syllogism, looks like this:      PREMISE 1:  All dogs have wet noses.      PREMISE 2:  Max is a dog.      CONCLUSION:  Max has a wet nose. Easy, right?  Now, let's see what happens when we remove one of the premises:      PREMISE 1:  All…

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Would a deadline for troop withdrawal create fewer American dead?

One of the Sunday morning pundits today (4/16/06) made an excellent point.  He observed that President Bush has refused to give a firm date for withdrawing US troops from Iraq, because, Bush says, such an action would embolden the terrorists to just wait us out.  However, Bush then ignored this principle…

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