Supporting Troops, Withdrawing, and Politics

The bill to set withdrawal timetables from Iraq has passed, on its way now to the President's desk--where it will be vetoed.  Democrats will work on this issue from now on, presumably with an eye toward using it as a campaign issue to gain more seats and hopefully hand the White…

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World War II and Modern Politics

Recent comments in response to posts on Dangerous Intersection have led me to write this screed.  Screed is to be the operative word for this, for it has been born out impatience and anger.  The biggest danger we face in the long run is the basic ignorance people bring to…

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Happy Pi Day (and Einstein’s Birthday)

March 14th, (3/14), is International Pi day for a somewhat obvious reason. Visit this old site to hear Pi spoken in French (or many other languages) to hundreds of digits, plus links to much pi stuff. Here's the wiki for pi day. Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day 1879,…

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Conservapedia: Providing aid to the Obscurationists

I just found out about Conservapedia, an online service started to combat the educated, generally well-researched, illuminating, and therefore Left-wing, Liberal postings at Wikipedia. Read about what a Democrat really is, in a way that even Fox News wouldn't claim. Read about Evolution, which begins with the chapter "Lack of…

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