The Pulpit Initiative May Explain Palin

The Alliance Defense Fund, a legal action group whose purpose appears to be to promote an American Theocracy, has instituted The Pulpit Initiative. In brief, it calls for ministers, priests and pastors to openly stump for particular candidates on September 28, 2008 ("Pulpit Freedom Sunday") and beyond. No more pussyfooting…

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Large Hadron Collider To End the World

There are plenty of innumerate groups who think that the LHC will destroy the world, as they have with each generation of nuclear test device before. Loud groups with mailing lists and placards. The Large Hadron Collider (in case you were unaware) is the Swiss upgrade to the unfinished Superconducting…

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Phyllis Schlafly For President

Since Palin's from Alaska, I thought it appropriate to post this link from an Anchorage newspaper. This ought to get plenty of circulation in the next couple of months. Even if, as the article indicates, Palin's questions regarding the censorship of library materials was "rhetorical" it nevertheless is informative that…

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PayPal is Broken and Nobody’s Talking

Last night the online acceptance service PayPal went offline for 8 hours starting at about 8 p.m. CDT. All you could get from clicking on any PayPal link or button on any of millions of web sites was a message that this unexpected prime-time outage was "routine maintenance". This morning,…

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Should the Democratic Convention Exclude the Irreligious?

I was reading Friendly Atheist this morning, and found out that the DNC is preparing to start their convention (coronation ceremony?) with an interfaith religious service. (Link to the post) They invited representatives of several religions to speak, but explicitly denied access to any atheists, agnostics, pagans, spiritualists, or humanists.…

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