The Same Only Different?

I'm something of an amateur historian.  I find most rewarding research that shows how someone--an individual, a community, a movement--got to where they ended up.  It's the most instructive part of studying history, because you can begin to see how things relate, how one incident, taken in isolation, may make…

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Bush’s “Wag The Dog” presidency

Further to Sarah’s post about films that help make sense of George Bush’s presidency, another film that should be required viewing for anyone trying to make sense of Bush’s America is the movie, “Wag The Dog.”  As entertainment, it’s a disappointing movie; but, as political commentary, it utterly anticipates George Bush’s presidency.

The movie, released in early 1998 (note the proximity to the beginning of Bush’s first presidential campaign), is set in modern times, and is about an American president running for re-election.  A scandal occurs immediately before the election that threatens to cripple the President’s campaign, but before the scandal can undermine the President’s chances, his political advisors realize that the best way to win re-election is to divert public attention away from the scandal by creating an even bigger story:  a war.  So, they set out to manufacture a war.


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Why drilling for oil in ANWR will increase, not reduce, America’s oil dependence

As the world consumes oil, the world's oil is depleted.  As the world's oil is depleted, the countries that completely run out of oil first will become totally dependent upon the countries that still have oil.  Thus, the goal of any country that wishes to avoid becoming totally dependent is…

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Wither Thou Goest…

Since the trial in Dover, PA over Intelligent Design, it must be obvious hat nothing was really settled other than a specific legal question.  I think it would be a good idea for every one interested in this issue to find and read the decision handed down by the judge. …

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Walmart, out-sourcing and high gas prices

For the past decade or two, American consumers have enjoyed low prices at Walmart, which imports many of its products from China.  Simultaneously, American companies have enjoyed low prices by out-sourcing service jobs to India and manufacturing to China.  Americans, both consumers and business leaders, believe they have saved money by doing this. …

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