COVID and the Amish

Sheryl Attkisson:

As a group, the Amish suffered no greater “excess deaths” during Covid, and arguably had fewer deaths, all without shutting down their schools, social life, and economy; without testing an experimental vaccine; and without spending untold amounts of money on testing, treatments, and hospitalizations.

Another shortfall in this process of scientific integrity lies in the fact that the government and study authors refuse to turn over the communications and materials I requested that could shed light on what specific people were backing the taxpayer funded study and why; and could tell us how the study shortfalls slipped past all the peer reviewers.

The above excerpt is from the article, "Update on the Amish Approach to CovidAs a result of my challenges, journal makes multiple corrections to scientific article."

Both autism and vaccination rates are low in Amish communities. Steve Kirsch comments:

Autism rates for Amish are more than two orders of magnitude lower than the rest of America....It’s not genetics. Other groups that don’t vaccinate have some really low rates of autism. If you don’t vaccinate, your rates of autism are always super low. I’ve never heard of any exceptions to this rule. Genetics has absolutely nothing to do with it.

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House Committee: COVID Conspiracies Are True

Joe Rogan:

The House [The Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic] released a 500-page report on COVID 19 pandemic. Key findings COVID 19 likely originated from a lab related incident in Wuhan, China. Crazy you get banned from YouTube for saying that banned Okay. Over $200 billion in relief funds lost to fraud, with criminals exploiting weak oversight, prolonged lockdowns and arbitrary mandates caused severe harm, economic devastation, mental health crisis and historic learning loss, while lacking robust scientific support, policies ignored natural immunity, pushing mandates that eroded trust and harmed public perception of science. Absolutely. WHO and CDC compromised by political interference, offering inconsistent, unscientific guidance that fueled public distrust. And the key players included federal agencies and Cuomo administration actively obstructed oversight efforts and hid critical evidence. The Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic basically said all the conspiracy theorists were correct, every single one of them, no repercussions, no retractions, no apology from Rachel Maddow. None of it.

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Doctors and General Health

Based on personal stories (myself and close friends) I've lost trust in doctors too. I find this distinction between general health and going to the orthopedist for a broken arm a useful on. Too many doctors reach for pills because that is what they are taught. They earnestly tell you to take statins and ace proton inhibitors without any meaningful investigation into the cost-benefit analysis of these medication and without any apparent cynicism aimed toward Big Pharma.

This Dana White video dovetails well with recent videos by RFK, Jr., Callie Means and Casey Means. Here is an example.

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Video Sums Up Why We No Longer Trust Public Health

Whenever I say that public health got almost everything wrong about COVID, I'm speaking literally. This 12-minute video sums up the 4 years of insanity that has destroyed our trust in public health institutions.

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Vaccine Schedule and Vaccine Testing Summary

Facts are facts. Only when we have the facts can we have a discussion or utter meaningful opinions. I have repeatedly been told that RFK, Jr. is wrong to claim that that numerous vaccines recommended by the CDC have not been properly tested. What's the truth? What follows are two images summarizing undeniable facts: the vaccine schedule and the vaccines that have been tested compared to control groups. First of all, Attorney Aaron Siri's chart of the 1986 vs. 2025 vaccine schedules:

Aaron Siri:

CDC just published its 2025 vaccine schedules. We have now gone from 7 routine vaccine injections in 1986 to over 200 routine vaccine injections in 2025.

In 1986, before vaccine makers had broad immunity to liability for injuries, CDC's schedule had 7 routine childhood injections and none for adults or pregnant women.

CDC's 2025 schedule has 5 routine injections during pregnancy, over 70 routine childhood injections (birth to age 18), and over 130 routine adult injections (up to age 79). Counting non-routine injections, there are even more.

Here is an image comparing injections up to only 1 year of age between 1986 and 2024 (updated chart for 2025 and tweets about each of these vaccines to follow...):

Next, here is a chart posted by Mary Talley Bowden, MD., indicating the vaccines that have been tested against control groups:

Bowden states: "97% of childhood vaccines on the CDC schedule were not licensed by the FDA based on a placebo controlled clinical trial."

And consider that in the Gardasil study (the only vaccine indicated above as having a post vaccine placebo-controlled study), only 300 out of  18,000 in the placebo group were on a saline-based placebo. According to Brandy Vaughan, most of the control group was given a toxic adjuvant aluminum shot (see min 9 here).  She explains that following the 1986 Vaccine Act, vaccines became quite profitable (in large part due the immunity granted to manufacturers). Vaughan is from an organization called Learn the Risk. 

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