The Covid Era Dysfunction and Lies in a Nutshell

Nicolas Hulscher has reported on a new study titled "A Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Infodemic and Censorship in Healthcare," which was just published in the journal Secrecy and Society. What did our government and institutions get wrong about COVID. I would say just about everything, which would explain current day widespread distrust in U.S. government and institutions.

Here is the abstract of the study:

Ideological and financial motivations have undermined science for decades. In this narrative review, we explore how organizations and governments used misinformation, disinformation, censorship, and secrecy to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Various rationales for employing censorship and secrecy during the COVID-19 pandemic are examined including how organizations and governments create confusion about the risks associated with their products and blame avoidance to shift responsibility and to avoid accountability for their actions. Methods of censorship employed during the COVID-19 pandemic are reviewed, examples are provided, and the consequences of these actions are reviewed. Information included in this review was obtained from scientific papers, government documents, mass media articles, books, and personal accounts of physicians and scientists. We examine how the use of censorship and secrecy created a challenge for scientists, physicians, politicians, and the general public in trying to understand COVID-related topics. Finally, strategies for managing censorship and secrecy during a pandemic are presented.
Here are the basic categories of government and institutional fraud and dysfunction discussed in the study:

1. COVID-19 Response Was Driven by Secrecy, Censorship, and Misinformation

2. Suppression of Scientific Debate on the Origins of SARS-CoV-2

3. COVID-19 Vaccines Were Overhyped, Unsafe, and Mandated Through Coercion

4. Cheap, Effective COVID-19 Treatments Were Suppressed to Protect Vaccine Profits

5. Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Mask Mandates Were Not Backed by Science

6. Media and Tech Companies Served as Enforcers of Government Censorship

7. The COVID-19 Response Was the Most Widespread Attack on Free Speech in Modern History

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About Losing Friends . . .

Jimmy Dore:

Over the past four years, I have lost some friends for my crime of asking questions and being skeptical. They felt threatened, became angry and left. I think some of them are getting pink-pilled, but it's going to be a long difficult journey for them. As Mark Twain wrote:

“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”

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Most Recent Coordinated Fear Campaign by the “News”: The Measles Tsunami

The "news" media is at it again, this time preemptively attacking RFK, Jr. by warning of the brand new measles onslaught. It's time to PANIC!

Here are some of the headlines:

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH points out, however, that the current rate of measles is nothing out of the ordinary. Consider the chart he produced in his article: "Pharma-Sponsored Media Launches Measles Fear Campaign Based on Distorted Science: Media-driven panic over measles ignores real risks, natural disease patterns, and the role of vaccine shedding."

We are in the midst of a pandemic of false "news" media narratives, as Nicolas Hulscher points out.

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COVID Public Health Fraud and Incompetence in a Nutshell

From Dr. Simon Goddek:

If masks worked, why did they need mandates?

If the jab worked, why did I need one for yours to work?

If lockdowns worked, why did cases still explode?

If the science was settled, why did they ban debate?

If the vaccines were safe, why did they need liability protection?

And there are many other things the experts got wrong about Covid. Either they were lying and/or they didn't have the humility and courage to say "I don't know."

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