Michael Moore’s dream country

Michael Moore didn't mention this country in Sicko, but it offers health benefits that exceed those of most other countries, even France. It is a "model of sustainable ecology." And check out the prison. This country has the world's lowest murder rate, yet the longest prison sentence available is 21…

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Carl Craver’s case for integrative neuroscience instead of reductionism

As I mentioned in two previous posts (here and here), I recently had the opportunity to attend several of the sessions of the “Future Directions in Genetic Studies” workshop at Washington University in St. Louis. One of the speakers was Carl Craver of Washington University. Craver's talk was titled, "The…

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Did God do these things?

I stumbled onto this unusual and visually disturbing site. Yes, I gawked.  But it made me wonder what the God-is-omnipotent-and-omniscient crowd think of these sorts of occurrences.   Are they evidence of God's majesty and ability to intelligently design his creatures?  Or do they lead believers to think that human are…

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The Frackin’ Cracker Tempest

In case you've been out of touch, a student in Florida took Our Lord Jesus Christ hostage a few weeks ago. He walked out of church with a consecrated communion wafer to show to a friend, rather than promptly eating the true flesh of the 2000 year old man. Ignoring…

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