Carl Craver’s case for integrative neuroscience instead of reductionism

As I mentioned in two previous posts (here and here), I recently had the opportunity to attend several of the sessions of the “Future Directions in Genetic Studies” workshop at Washington University in St. Louis. One of the speakers was Carl Craver of Washington University. Craver's talk was titled, "The…

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Did God do these things?

I stumbled onto this unusual and visually disturbing site. Yes, I gawked.  But it made me wonder what the God-is-omnipotent-and-omniscient crowd think of these sorts of occurrences.   Are they evidence of God's majesty and ability to intelligently design his creatures?  Or do they lead believers to think that human are…

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My not-so-terrifying encounter with a syndactylist.

My family shared a vacation house with several other families this year.  One afternoon, one of my wife's friends (a philosophy professor in his 40's) was relaxing on the porch when I looked down and noticed his unusual right foot: I found myself blurting out, "So tell me about your…

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Popular right wing talk show host Michael Savage shows his ignorance regarding autism

Here's a standard account of autism, from Wikipedia: Autism is a brain development disorder that first gives signs during infancy or childhood and generally follows a steady course without remission or relapse. Impairments result from maturation-related changes in various systems of the brain. Autism is one of the five pervasive…

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