RFK Jr’s Challenge: The Stew of Defamation and Pejoratives

The following excerpt is from a recent interview featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His comments confirm my experience. Everyone I've talked to who "opposes" RFK, Jr. knows next to nothing about him, including on the topic of vaccines. They think he is against all vaccines, which is palpably untrue. He wants them to be subjected to the same safety tests as other pharmaceuticals. This position is made clear in many of his easily accessible interviews and in his 2023 book, Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (2023). First, an excerpt from this interview:

Patrick Bet-David: What do you say to the people who like many of your policies, who liked the fact that you're pushing the establishment? But at the same time, aren't you just kind of helping President Biden become a president again and get reelected,

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: I'm running against the two weakest candidates in American history. President Trump has a very, very intense following up, but it's relatively small and President Biden, there's almost nobody that I've met. In fact, I can say, I've never met anybody so far who says you should vote for President Biden, because he has a great vision for the country, that he's energetic, that he can grapple with the big problems on. They all say, "You got to vote for him, because otherwise Trump is going to start a dictatorship." My polls right now: I'm beating both candidates in all Americans under 45 years old. And Americans under 35 years old, I'm beating them both by 10 points. I'm up to now 24% average in the battleground states, which puts me within 10 points of winning the electio., I can win the election, theoretically, with 34%. And I'm already at 24% in key states like Michigan, and I have almost a full year. And this with spending very, very little money compared to them. I'm leading with independent voters 36 with independent voters, and President Trump is at 27, I think and President Biden is at 31. We're essentially in a three way tie with Hispanic voters, I'm leading everybody with mothers who have children at home. The only group that I don't, I don't do well in are baby boomers. And I believe that reason that I'm not doing well with them is that they get their news from television, MSNBC, from CNN, and the New York Times The Washington Post.

I have seven kids. And I would believe that none of them have ever watched an evening news on TV, they get their news from other sources. They get it from the internet, they get it from podcasts, etc. And in that generation, I am dominating. So what we're seeing anecdotally is that people who watch my interviews and long form interviews, even Liberal Democrats have a very, very high conversion rate. So my strategy over the next 11 months, is to get as many of those people to be able to see interviews with me, to ask me questions. And, you know, to get to know, something about me that's outside this kind of stew of defamations and pejoratives that define me in the in the mainstream media.

Now, here are a few excerpts from Kennedy's book, Vax-Unvax:

Since the enactment of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which provides a liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, the vaccination schedule has multiplied considerably. Today, children following the CDC-recommended vaccination schedule receive a minimum of seventy-three shots for seventeen different diseases, with a whopping twenty-eight injections by their first birthday. . .

Long-Term Vaccine Safety Studies Are Lacking

Despite this huge increase in vaccination, researchers have done very little to study the health of these children, either in the short term or the long term. While medical authorities credit universal childhood vaccination programs with eradicating several deadly infectious diseases, these same experts show little interest in studying the acute and long-term adverse effects of vaccination, nor do safety studies focus on the health effects of the collective vaccination schedule. [More . . . ]

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Free-Flowing Money to Corrupt the Doctor-Patient Relationship by Incentivizing Vaccinations

How to corrupt the doctor-patient relationship: Quietly pay doctors to recommend vaccinations. What better way to convince doctors to downplay vaccination side-effects, most recently with the COVID vaccinations. I would prefer that my doctor not be paid anything by anyone, so that I am getting the doctor's free and unbiased judgment regarding treatment the doctor recommends. Excerpt:


The AP attacked the claim that doctors receive $400 bonuses reaching some $40,000 per year, for getting those 39 vaccines into a baby on time. Yet, while determining the claim to be “false,” they clarify that their objection is just that it's not one price scheme for the entire nation.

CLAIM: Blue Cross Blue Shield pays doctors a $40,000 bonus for administering childhood immunizations to at least 100 patients under 2 years old and an $80,000 bonus for vaccinating 200 children.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is a national federation of more than three dozen locally operated companies, and doesn’t offer such an incentive across the board . . . [Emphases added].

The AP went on to say that the $400 bonus and 63% benchmark are in fact the exact figures for the incentives offered in Michigan.

The document that blog post referred to was a 2016 edition of a Performance Recognition Program specifically for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Care Network of Michigan. In a table titled “Quality Incentive Measures,” the program lays out that doctors who meet 63% of their plan goal for childhood immunizations receive a $400 payout. [Emphasis added].

The only real correction offered by the AP was that the doctors were not as successful as assumed in getting all those shots in the babies' arms. The payouts in 2016, in Michigan, topped out at $9,600. At $400 each, that translates to just 24 fully vaccinated babies.

One more excerpt, this time focusing Robert Malone's article on incentives paid to to doctors to incentivize the COVID jabs:

Dr. Robert Malone, an inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, revealed a similar, but even more rewarding, incentive program that was quietly provided to physicians to push mRNA injections. The program provides physicians with some $380,000 annually based on an average of 1,800 unique patient visits per year per medical practice...

The only way insurance companies could profit from more vaccinations would be if the government reimbursed them more than the combined costs to the insurance companies of purchasing the vaccinations and paying the bonuses. Dr. Malone confirms that this is exactly the case with COVID vaccines, as the money, which originates with the federal government, covers the costs of the vaccinations, the physicians' bonuses and the profit of the insurance companies. It is, therefore, tax dollars that are being passed from the government to the insurance companies to the doctors:

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Lots of Young Healthy People Dying in their Sleep this Summer. Why?

Dr. William Makis lists these one after another.  Fifty young healthy adults dying in their sleep. Why? And why is there no curiosity by corporate news?  Are these related to the COVID vax? The diagnosis often is "SADS." " Often no vax status revealed. I'd like to know. Here's the list:

mRNA Injury Series - 2023 The SUMMER of Dying Suddenly SLEEPING (while fully COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated) - are these deaths actually accelerating? - 50 summer cases of SADS deaths in Sleep. One sample incident:

Dr. Makis gave a preliminary overview here.

Separate post by Dr. Makis: "mRNA Injury Series - Found dead in their car - COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated who were found dead in their vehicles - 15 tragic cases"

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Science Magazine Puts Partisan Hack Peter Hotez, MD on a Pedestal

I used to respect Science Magazine. For many years I subscribed to it. Regarding this current article, however, where are the RCT's? Where is the free flow of data regarding all-cause mortality between vaccinated and unvaccinated? Why is there an apparently coordinated effort by corporate media to censor the risks of myocarditis and other concerns, especially in children and young adults, who are almost at zero risk of hospitalization/death from COVID? (see here). Why tout Peter Hotez as an "expert" given that he has proven himself to be totally unreliable?

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