How to live consciously, buy wisely and make a difference

Yes, you could continue on your merry way, spending money on the wrong types of things for all the wrong reasons.  We've all done this.  But we don't have to keep doing things this way.  To give you an assist, you can get some ideas and inspiration from New American Dream. It…

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More signs of rising economic disparity

Senator Bernie Sanders writes that the American Middle Class is being decimated.  He cites some interesting numbers.  Here's a couple shockers: Robert Frank, a Wall Street Journal reporter, has detailed the lives of the rich and famous in the book Richistan. He writes that households with a net worth of…

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Why eating meat is bad for the environment

This issue of eating meat is gaining more momentum, as people start realizing the toll that meat-eating is putting on the environment.  Raising farm animals contributes more greenhouse gases to the environment than all transportation (cars, trains, airplanes and anything else) combined. This excerpt is from an article on Common…

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The Joy of Taco Bell

This paean to Taco Bell, from Mark Dery of No matter how sophisticated my palette has grown, nor how politicized it has become, I still feel a nostalgic fondness for Taco Bell tacos, triggered by sense memories of that first bite, when the shell would disintegrate into a heap…

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