The Fourth Person in God: The Free Market

Based on several conversations I’ve recently had with some religious/social conservatives, God is no longer a Trinity.  Whether I raise pressing issues about oil, housing or education I hear the same answer:  “The free market will take care of it.” They seem to repeat this free market mantra as their…

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Impeach Bush for using junk science

Because the people at the top of our government are responsible for making decisions that could cost the lives and ruin the health of millions of citizens, they should be equipped with the best information and the best expertise.  Unfortunately, the White House has decided to muzzle experts and choke off critical debate on numerous topics of critical national significance.  Why?

The Administration’s political interference with science has led to misleading statements by the President, inaccurate responses to Congress, altered web sites, suppressed agency reports, erroneous international communications, and the gagging of scientists. The subjects involved span a broad range, but they share a common attribute: the beneficiaries of the scientific distortions are important supporters of the President, including social conservatives and powerful industry groups.

It’s gotten so bad that prominent Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner has called the president’s science adviser a “prostitute”:

The United States has been engulfed by a kind of “science war,” one pitting much of the nation’s scientific community against the current administration. Led by twenty Nobel laureates, the scientists say Bush’s government has systematically distorted and undermined scientific information in pursuit of political objectives. Examples include the suppression and censorship of reports on subjects like climate change and mercury pollution, the stacking of scientific advisory panels, and the suspicious removal of scientific information from government Web sites.

The list goes on and on:


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What Would Jesus Do about Global Warming?

The current edition of Time Magazine (April 3) warns us that global warming is not just a vague fear, but a reality.  The 14-page article contains disturbing photography of displaced animals and receding glaciers.  The cover warns us to be “Very Worried.”

Even though I’ve often seen publishers use hyperbole to sell magazines, I am truly concerned.  I am concerned even though many environmental worries have been overstated in the past. 

On the other hand, I know that past warnings have generally been wrong only about when, not what.  I also know that the great majority of scientists are in accord on this issue. global warming is occurring and human use of fossil fuels is a major culprit.  Prudence, then, would cause reasonable people to be concerned.

I wanted to be sure to consider all perspectives, though, so I tuned into my local 24/7 Christianity radio station, KJSL, to hear the wisdom of syndicated radio host Paul McGuire

McGuire addressed the Time article directly.  “Global warming is mere mythology and propaganda of the left.”  The problem, he solemnly said, is that the sun is in one of those hot cycles.  That polar bears are being stranded has nothing to do with fossil fuel.  He cited the work of Michael Crichton and Climate Scientist John Christy in support of his denial of global warming.  Christie, according to McGuire, holds that Co2 is not a “pollutant,” and that it is a “gift to plants.”  McGuire repeatedly asserted that there …


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Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon – the issue of Peak Oil

No, this isn’t one of the many religious end-of-the-world warnings based on dusty books or personal revelations. It’s much worse. It is the story of “peak oil,” based on the sort of evidence that leaves both disciplined scientists and conservative bankers tossing in their sleep.

Exhibit A is the refusal of oil companies to build any additional refineries. They won’t build them anymore because refineries won’t be needed, even as demand for oil is relentlessly soaring. Why won’t refineries be needed? Because there won’t be any new oil to refine.

The story of “peak oil” is so huge and horrifying that the American public probably couldn’t bear to hear about it, even if the national media bothered to cover the issue. Of course, the American media is still too busy telling us about Janet Jackson’s nipple, Aruba murders and teachers having sex. If you want to be truly informed–if you want to be the person who destroys the mood at the next party you attend, read the next few paragraphs.

Here’s the problem in a simple picture representing the discovery and production of oil over time:


Matt Savinar is a California attorney who has worked incessantly to spread the word about global “Peak Oil.” A visit to his detailed and sober website is like a brutal kick in the stomach. It leaves one wondering who is going to take care of all of us and how “they” are going to do it. No such luck, according to Savinar. We’re all …


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Earth is Turning into a Giant Slum offers a review of Mike Davis' distressing new book:  "Planet of Slums." According to Davis, most of Earth's growth "is occurring in shantytowns and tenements stretching from Karachi, Pakistan, to Lima, Peru, where people live crowded together in densities that sometime dwarf those of such notorious 19th century human…

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