Center For Inquiry questions politically-skewed high school textbook for classes on U.S. government

I read quite a few textbook quotes from this report and I must agree:  they are shockingly inaccurate.  This book repeatedly pushes the conservative line, even when the facts don't support it--just like the Bush Administration.   The existence of this high school textbook is yet more evidence that we are…

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Electric cars for Israel

Raymond Learsy reports on one aspect of post-oil: Renault Nissan, and California-based Project Better Place, are working together with the government of Israel to make the country oil independent by 2020. Denmark has already signed on to implement the sinews of this major electric car initiative. In broad outline, Renault…

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Big houses, bigger houses and even bigger houses

Marc Gunther created his blog to probe Corporate America for signs of social responsibility.   Hence, the name of his blog: "Marc Gunther - Corporate America: Making the World a Better Place . . . or Not." My sister-in-law (an architect who specializes in green issues) referred me to his site.  …

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Are our suburbs going to turn into slums?

Wouldn't it be horrible if our American suburbs starting turning into slums? It's already happening, according to this article from The Atlantic:  "The Next Slum?" For 60 years, Americans have pushed steadily into the suburbs, transforming the landscape and (until recently) leaving cities behind. But today the pendulum is swinging…

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