George Carlin’s final national performance is available on YouTube

Tonight I watched “It’s Bad For Ya,” George Carlin’s final nationally televised performance. The entire show is available on YouTube (Below is Part I of VII). The show was broadcast live on March 1, 2008, only a few months prior to Carlin’s death (due to a heart attack, on June…

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Regarding the energy crisis, Americans need to think globally and act locally

Think globally, act locally.  That's the message of this Common Dreams article, entitled "Energy-Addicted US Can Learn a Lot From Europe." And yes, we can really learn a lot about energy from Europeans. Someday soon, we're going to be having fantasies that we had their fleet of tiny cars, those…

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How dangerous is it to ride a bicycle?

Here's a thoughtful and well-researched article on the safety of bicycling by Alan Durning of Grist.  Here's his bottom line: Biking is safer than it used to be. It's safer than you might think. It does incur the risk of collision, but its other health benefits massively outweigh these risks.…

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Two Americas: Two ways to play in water

Those who are truly interested in community-building (rather than striving to enhance their own status through resource-exhausting displays of material wealth) might want to take note of two ways city folks play in water. This idea occurred to me while walking through Tower Grove Park in St. Louis last week.…

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