Why drilling for oil in ANWR will increase, not reduce, America’s oil dependence

As the world consumes oil, the world's oil is depleted.  As the world's oil is depleted, the countries that completely run out of oil first will become totally dependent upon the countries that still have oil.  Thus, the goal of any country that wishes to avoid becoming totally dependent is…

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Pump up your tires to save Alaska

"HOW ALASKA CAN HELP MEET AMERICA'S ENERGY NEEDS" is an article to which Republican Senator Jim Talent of Missouri refers his constituents.  That article argues that we need to start drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) of Alaska, because it holds 10 billion barrels of economically…

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Wasting Costly Oil Imperils National Security

Today, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said: Gasoline prices have soared an average of 60 cents a gallon in less than a month because suppliers are unable to keep up with demand, a situation that could persist up to three more years. Bodman went on to suggest that stablilizing Iraq is…

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The Centerpice of Bush’s new national Energy Policy: I’ll try to persuade my contributors from gouging you guys too much.

Using the planning and dedication this country employed in Iraq and Katrina, Bush promised today that he will try to minimize the price gouging committed by some of his biggest contributors.  Many people are expressing relief that the president has finally realized that Americans are being victimized by big corporations.…

Continue ReadingThe Centerpice of Bush’s new national Energy Policy: I’ll try to persuade my contributors from gouging you guys too much.