Since we’re here ANYWAY, we’ll take your oil.

DemocracyNow reports that the Iraqis have always known what this war is about: In one of the first studies of Iraqi public opinion after the US-led invasion of March 2003, the polling firm Gallup asked Iraqis their thoughts on the Bush administration’s motives for going to war. One percent of…

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Shedding light on Daylight Savings Time

The practice of shifting clocks twice a year is an annoyance to everyone. Its roots go back to the Enlightenment, when such luminaries as Ben Franklin suggested the practice in part to keep urbanites, who lived by the clock, in better summertime sync with the rural majority who lived by…

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Noam Chomsky on the reason the U.S. won’t relinquish control of Iraq

Chomsky wrote that it all has to do with corporate power and oil.  Here is an excerpt from The Independent, an article entitled "The US says it is fighting for democracy - but is deaf to the cries of the Iraqis"   Sovereignty in Iraq might well lead to a loose Shia alliance controlling most…

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ExxonMobil and the White House finally get it about global warming . . . NOT!

This Huffpo article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. shows the extent to which ExxonMobil is not our wise old friend belatedly coming to our rescue on the issue of global warming:

Last week the release of the IPCC Report by the world’s 2500 top climatologists closed the scientific debate on global warming once and for all with a grave warning about its apocalyptical consequences to human civilization.

After years of denial the oil giant finally acknowledged the role of fossil fuel emissions in global warming, pledged to stop funding the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the country’s most visible global warming denier, and boasted of its own efforts to deal with the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

But behind the scenes, Exxon was engaged in the same old mischief. The American Enterprise Institute, a corporate front group financed by ExxonMobil and staffed by Bush administration dead enders, sent letters to top scientists and economists in the United States, Great Britain and elsewhere, offering them $10,000 each plus expenses for articles explaining shortcomings in the report.

To read the horrifying conclusions of the IPCC, here is the summary written for policy makers:  Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis”  You would think that President Bush would take this report seriously, but he’s not.  Here’s the garbage being generated by the White House as of February 8, 2007


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