Sex education in Texas
Huffpo offers some disturbing information from the Texas approach to "sex education."
Texas lawmakers cut sex ed from two six-month courses to a single unit of "abstinence only" education. But early indications showed that the program wasn't working. In fact, teens in almost all high school grades were having more sex after undergoing the abstinence only program. By 2007, Texas had the highest teen birth rate in the nation.Texas now has the highest teen birth rate in the nation, and Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas who is leading the abstinence crusade in Texas, now wants to be President of the U.S. The Huffpo article mentions a segment of the abstinence-only training some of the young Texans are receiving in a PUBLIC school:
"Things to Look for in a Mate:" I. How they relate to God A. Is Jesus their first love? B. Trying to impress people or serve God?