Sarah Palin’s foreign policy knowledge gained through osmosis.

I sleep with a lot of books near my bed so that I can learn by osmosis, I joke.  Now, check out this surreal statement by Sarah Palin on why Alaska's proximity to Russian and Canada bolsters her foreign policy credentials. And notice another reference to the impending attack on…

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Poe’s Law Gone Bad

There was a recent online tempest about an article posted by Roger Ebert outlining, nay promoting, the Creationist way of thinking. For a few days, many were arguing about whether his site was hacked, or had he lost his rational mind? I voted for "hacked". Turns out, he was attempting…

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The idea of a benevolent “Free Market” is exposed as a dangerous fraud

At a article entitled "The corporate financiers are wrong," Joe Conason says the obvious about "free market" fanatics because it is necessary to say the obvious about "free market" fanatics, given that they've been so successful at promulgating their drivel.  What is the obvious thing we now need to…

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John McCain and Sarah Palin continue with their ongoing campaign of lies

John McCain and Sarah Palin are running a campaign of lies, half truths and distortions and destroying America as a Republic. There’s even a website now to keep track of the lies. As of September 17, 2008 they are at 56 lies, up from 54 lies as of yesterday.  Also,…

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