It’s The Thought That…
Senator Rick Santorum, Republican, Pennsylvania, is having a difficult time getting re-elected. He’s fighting a hard race against someone who has more moderate views. I’m not altogether thrilled with his opponent, either, but Mr. Santorum–who has now taken the tactic of showing the people of Pennsylvania that they should vote for him because he can bring federal money to the state–is a banner emblem for the fundamental problems of the Republican Right. Lest we forget what he’s all about, I remind you that he is a social conservative who doesn’t Approve.
Doesn’t approve of much of anything representative of a liberal society. Let me here pick on one of the things as example of his mindset.
(As a point of debate, let me state up front that my issue with this has nothing to do with my own sexual orientation. My support of gay rights is a bit broader than that. I am not gay–but I am a sexual being, and one of the major points that gets overlooked in these debates is that when the specific proclivities of one group of consenting adults is attacked, all groups are attacked, because what is being attacked is a variation. While there is only one “natural” way to procreate, there is no single “natural” way to indulge in sensuality. Note, most laws in this country that have sought to limit homosexual behavior have in the past not stopped there, but have gone on to enumerate specific actions for illegalization, actions with …