Don’t stare at dead things or animals having sex.

I bristled yesterday as I read yet another faux-controversy concocting article in my misguided home town paper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  You see, Body Worlds is coming to my town and the morality “experts” are getting restless. The “concern” is that maybe we shouldn’t be staring at dead bodies.  The morality experts quoted…

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A sarcastic plug for more media consolidation

Rick Kaempfer, a Chicago media critic, a 20-year radio veteran, "thanks" the FCC and media conglomerates for their roles in promoting media consolidation (a development that cost Rick his job). [youtube][/youtube] What's the problem with a few huge corporations owning and operating most of our media outlets? Consider this information…

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A Song to an Atheist

I have a friend who wrote a song to me. (Free mp3 download courtesy of Anderson Productions, Ltd.) “Dear Friend” appeared on Russ Anderson’s 2003 album, “Arsenal Street”. All his CD’s are Available here. I recommend listening to the song before proceeding.

This nice, eerie, and sometimes psychedelic song is a heartfelt plea for me to discard my narrow, science-informed view of the world and just try to accept the ultimate truth of his favorite, ancient, re-translated book.
When my very Christian 11 year old nephew heard the song, he worried that it would anger me. He is fond of both Russ and myself, and the song conveys a basic disconnect. Conversations I’ve had with other Absolute Biblically Literal Truth Christians indicate that these are common misperceptions of atheist ideology.

Let’s examine some of the contentions in the song:


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We need to hunt down and kill Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Why fear the Invisible Hand?  Because the invisible hand is evil.  As construed by those conservatives currently in power, it is the economic equivalent of the Devil.  This conclusion is going to come as a shock to many conservatives, because they give homage to the invisible hand as though it…

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