Director Phil Donahue discusses the sanitizing of the Iraq occupation.

In this Truthout interview (by Geoffry Millard), Phil Donahue exhorts: "Don't sanitize the war."  Who are the perpetrators of this effort to sanitize the war?  Politicians and the media, for starters.  That effort to sanitize the bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq is the main message of the newly-released movie that…

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Cowardly hypocrisy of "Darwin fish" displays

My friend Russ sent me this link to an article in our local paper entitled, "Cowardly hypocrisy of Darwin fish displays". The title does a good job of strongly framing a weak argument. After I read it, I decided to post my response here: The article begins by framing anything…

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Republican politics and America’s stunted media

Glenn Greenwald has just written a new book, Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Myths of Republican Politics.  He has released a long excerpt on Huffpo.  Here is a sampling.  Great American Hypocrites examines the deceitful, personality-based election tactics the Right uses to build absurd cults of personality around their leaders…

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How about Tylenol for your child’s cold or fever? How about Tylenol ADVERTISING to rev up a parent’s anxiety?

Check out this current website from Tylenol. You’ll see that McNeil (maker of Tylenol) has heroically and voluntarily removed all of these medicines from the market:

Concentrated TYLENOL® Infants' Drops Plus Cold Concentrated TYLENOL® Infants' Drops Plus Cold & Cough PediaCare® Infant Dropper Decongestant PediaCare® Infant Dropper Long-Acting Cough PediaCare® Infant Drops Decongestant (containing pseudoephedrine) PediaCare® Infant Dropper Decongestant & Cough PediaCare® Infant Drops Decongestant & Cough (containing pseudoephedrine)
Why remove all these children's medicines? According to Tylenol,

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The biggest religious divide: fundamentalists versus everyone else

In 2006, Andrew Sullivan wrote that there are many forms of belief and that fundamentalism is only one of many forms of religious belief: The alternative to the secular-fundamentalist death spiral is something called spiritual humility and sincere religious doubt. Fundamentalism is not the only valid form of faith, and to…

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