Earth Day is (mostly) a salve.

The best way to get people to neglect a cause is to dedicate a Special Day to that cause each year. On that one special Day, we will hold thousands festivals where we treat the cause in a trite way and we will ignore that cause the other 364 days. We’re just too busy with our amusements and distractions to give a damn about important things here in America. Earth Day fits the mold perfectly. You would think that at Earth Day festivals, people would take the purpose of Earth Day seriously. You’d think that people would feel the need to make substantial immediate changes in their lives in order to live and procreate in healthy and sustainable ways, leaving the planet in good shape for the following generations of humans and the other animals. signing big green sign What could be done on Earth Day? We could talk big. We could make real plans to take the actions suggested by visionaries like Lester Brown, who proposes that we cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2020. It could really be done. Here’s how Brown describes his plan in his book, Plan B 3.0:

First, dramatically and systematically raise the efficiency of the world energy economy; second, massive investment in renewable sources of energy; and third, increase the earth’s tree cover by planting billions of trees.

Really doing something on a big scale could “inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.” But most people aren’t doing anything at all. They …


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Wacky Billboard: Win a breast augmentation at the Family Arena.

Check out this billboard. Apparently, there is a "Bike Show" at the "Family Arena" in St. Charles, Missouri (St. Louis area). If you attend the Bike Show, you can "Register to Win a Free Breast Augmentation." I'd avoid buying only your raffle ticket in the name of the family, however,…

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Television, reality and unreality cartoons

Television Leads Us. Angel Boligan, Cagle Cartoons, El Universal, Mexico City Who's Bitter? Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons TV or not TV Angel Boligan, Cagle Cartoons, El Universal, Mexico City Interior televisivo Alen Lauzan Falcon, Olle Johansson, Sweden TV Osmani Simanca, A Tarde, Brazil

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Amy Goodman interviews Glenn Greenwald on the corruption of the American media

Glenn Greenwald, a former constitutional law attorney, is now a contributing writer at He is the author of a number of books. His most recent book is titled Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics. Greenwald, a severe critic of the American media, discussed the state…

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