Richard Heinberg on “Peak Everything”

Richard Heinberg, a Senior Fellow of Post Carbon Institute, knows that energy-from-oil is connected to everything else that we do.  That is why we are facing a monumental change in our economy within the next few years.   And we are not prepared in the least. What can we expect?  Here's…

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Former Publisher of The National Review endorses Obama

Wick Allison was Editor in Chief of The National Review from 1990 through 1993.  Allison donated a lot of money to John McCain during the primaries, but he is now endorsing Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States: Barack Obama is not my ideal candidate for…

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Create your own yard sign for Obama

Why use a pre-made Obama sign when you can make your own?  This question became obvious this weekend.  My neighborhood was sponsoring an art fair along a long boulevard, "The Shaw Art Fair." (here's some of the art). Almost 150 artists showed up.  One of the neighbors set up a…

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Types of on-line personalities

Have you ever been annoyed by an on-line personality?    Perhaps this is a rhetorical question for you.  Regardless, Mike Reed of Flame Warriors has spent a lot of time studying the types of people who hang around and often annoy the rest of us.   These personality types include the following…

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The problems with mass marketing aimed at children

Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood recently revamped its website.  One of the new features includes a fact sheet that provides the following information regarding modern marketing aimed at children (with citations to primary sources): Marketing directly to children is a factor in the childhood obesity epidemic. Marketing also encourages…

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