Broken window theory of criminality has been demonstrated

The "Broken Window" theory of criminality is that when people observe disorder, they are more likely to engage in anti-social acts.  Translated into an experiment, the principle was tested by George Kelling and his associates.  They asked whether people would litter more where there is illegal graffiti and where others…

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Christmas Brings Out The…

The curmudgeon in repose observes the feckless maunderings of the primates in their dispeptic self-justifications.  Christmas is coming.  You can see it, feel it, sense it.  Not only in the more pleasant garnishments appearing too early (and hopefully) in stores and streets, but in the renewed efforts of those who…

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Faith on a Bus

First in London, and now in D.C. The campaign to make it okay to publicly be an atheist is spreading. Now it is right in your face, on buses in two capitol cities. The London group is found at, and the U.S. campaign is funded by the American Humanists,…

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The Paradox of Positions

As expected, certain mouths are already looking for ways to tear down Obama and all he stands for, even though---perhaps especially because---they don't know just what that is.  It is disheartening. It makes me want to sit them down in a chair from which they cannot move and ask them,…

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Bill Ayers: Passive living as violent living

Bill Ayers talked with, exploring many issues.   I was especially interested in his characterization of those Americans who would argue that they are passive or non-violent by the fact that they are not, themselves, physically violent.  Per Ayers, there is no "neutral" when one's country is perpetrating despicable violence.…

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