Julian Assange: To Know Where We Should Be Headed, We Need to Figure Out Where We Are

Julian Assange:

We can all write about our political issues, we can all push for particular things we believe in, we can all have particular brands of politics, but I say actually it's all bankrupt," Assange said. "And the reason it's all bankrupt, and all current political theories are bankrupt and particular lines of political thought, is because actually we don't know what the hell is going on. And until we know the basic structures of our institutions — how they operate in practice, these titanic organizations, how they behave inside, not just through stories but through vast amounts of internal documentations — until we know that, how can we possibly make a diagnosis? How can we set the direction to go until we know where we are? We don't even have a map of where we are. So our first task is to build up a sort of intellectual heritage that describes where we are. And once we know where we are, then we have a hope of setting course for a different direction. Until then, I think all political theories — to greater and lesser extents of course — are bankrupt.

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Carl Sagan Explains the Critical Need to be Skeptical

As Carl Sagan explains, meaningful conversation involves constant skepticism and testing of viewpoints and claims. Anything else is kayfabe conversation. Any attempts to outlaw or discourage skepticism or testing of any viewpoint or claim is an attempt to dehumanize the other person, to force them to become your puppet = Nietzschean ressentiment.

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Google Simplifies the (Absence of a) Primary Election for Voters as a Purported Public Service

Google interferes with a U.S. presidential election. Pro-censorship U.S. corporate media doesn't give a shit.

In the meantime, so-called "civil rights" groups and the Washington Post want to help us by censoring us.

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Matt Taibbi: Free Julian Assange

From Matt Taibbi's latest article, "Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed."

[S]ecrets do not belong to governments. That information belongs to us. Governments rule by our consent. If they want to keep secrets, they must have our permission to do so. And they never have the right to keep crimes secret.

I’m an American. Many of you are from the U.K. In our countries, we’re building skyscrapers and huge new complexes to store our secrets, because we don’t have room to keep them all as is!

Why do we have so many secrets? Julian Assange told us why. From an essay he wrote:

'Authoritarian regimes give rise to forces which oppose them by pushing against the individual and collective will to freedom, truth and self realization. Plans which assist authoritarian rule, once discovered, induce resistance. Hence these plans are concealed by successful authoritarian powers.'

When governments become authoritarian, they inspire resistance. Techniques must then be developed to repel that resistance. Those techniques must then be concealed.

In short: the worse a country is, the more secrets it has. We have a lot of secrets now.

Julian Assange became famous as we were creating a vast new government-within-a-government, a system of secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, mass surveillance, and drone assassination. Many of these things we know about only because of Wikileaks. Ostensibly, all this secrecy was needed to fight foreign terrorism.

The brutal irony now is the architects of that system no longer feel the need to hide their dirty tactics. My government, openly, wants to put this man in jail for 175 years, mostly for violations of the Espionage Act. These include crimes like “conspiracy to receive national defense information,” or “obtaining national defense information.”

What is “national defense information?” The answer is what makes this law so dangerous. It’s whatever they say it is. It’s any information they don’t want to get out. It doesn’t even have to be classified. What is conspiracy to obtain such information? We have a word for that. It’s called journalism.

My government wants to put Julian Assange in jail for 175 years for practicing journalism. The government of this country, the U.K., is going to allow it to happen.

If they did this to Andrei Sakharov, or Nelson Mandela, every human rights organization in the world would be denouncing this as an intolerable outrage. Every NGO would be lining up to lend support. Every journalist would be penning editorials demanding his release.

But because our own governments are doing it, we get silence.

If you’re okay with this happening to one Julian Assange, you’d better be okay with it happening to many others. That’s why this moment is so important. If Assange is successfully extradited and convicted, it will take about ten minutes for it to happen again. From there this will become a common occurrence. There will be no demonstrations in parks, no more news stories. This will become a normal part of our lives.

Don’t let that happen.

Free Julian Assange.

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Whistle-Blower Daniel Ellsberg’s Final Thoughts

On June 4, 2023, two weeks before he died, Daniel Ellsberg gave one final interview at Politico. Michael Hirsh's interview appears in an article titled: "Daniel Ellsberg Is Dying. And He Has Some Final Things to Say: The iconic whistleblower reflects on the urgent need for others to follow in his footsteps."

I have the greatest admiration  for Daniel Ellsberg's bravery and his patriotism as a whistle-blower. I am writing this post to share some of his final thoughts, which I consider to be critically important in this era of increasing societal willingness to tolerate both corruption of own's own tribe and overall government censorship. But first, a few thoughts about whistle-blowers.

A lot of people are uneasy with whistle-blowers--they think of them as law-breakers, which is true. But what else are you supposed to do when you are a government employee who has a front-row seat to corruption in your own office? I admit that I feel more passion for the plight of whistle-blowers than many people because I was one. In the late 1980s, I became an anonymous source for various newspaper articles in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporting the corruption of Missouri Attorney General, William Webster. See also here.

I understand the hesitation that many people initially have for supporting whistle-blowers, because they are law-breakers. We have laws that put whistle-blowers at financial and criminal risk for exposing corruption, which usually (as in my case) requires revealing internal documents to prove that corruption. The choice might seem daunting from the outside, but it becomes stark for whistle-blowers: Would you rather stay quiet, thereby acceding to government corruption? Or will you break laws, risk getting fired (which I was) and risk losing both your liberty and your means to pay your bills, all for the higher purpose of letting fellow citizens know that they are being betrayed by their elected officials? If your reputation is important to you, the choice becomes easier. And as one of my confidants told me back in the 80's, "You will need to look in the mirror at yourself every morning for the rest of your life. What kind of person do you want to see?"

For many whistle-blowers, including Daniel Ellsberg, there is no choice at all. He needed to expose the corruption because so much was at stake. He chose to become a whistle-blower in an especially dramatic and dangerous way. He did it to stop the tragic farce we refer to as "the Vietnam War," where 50,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese people were being slaughtered based upon an initial big lie (the purported Gulf of Tonkin incident) and subsequent non-stop lies spewed by the U.S. government that the Vietnam War was winnable. Contrary to these lies, secret internal U.S. communications made it absolutely clear that, for a variety of reasons, the U.S. would never prevail militarily.

The entire Politico article is well worth reading. Here are a few of Ellsberg's last thoughts that I'd like to share:

“The need for whistleblowing in my area of so-called national security is that we have a secret foreign policy, which has been very successfully kept secret and essentially mythical,” [Ellsberg] says. “I’m saying there’s never been more need for whistleblowers … There’s always been a need for many more than we have. At the same time, it’s become more and more dangerous to be a whistleblower. There’s little doubt about that.” . . .

During the course of our hour- and-20-minute interview, Ellsberg contended America still runs a “covert empire” around the world, embodied in the U.S. domination of NATO. He believes Washington deliberately provoked Vladimir Putin into invading Ukraine by pushing its seat of power eastward toward Russia’s borders; that the mainstream media is “complicit” in allowing the government to keep secrets it has no right to withhold; and that any notion Americans are ever the “good guys” abroad “has always been false.”

“I think very few Americans are aware of what our actual influence in the former colonial world has been, and that is to keep it colonial,” Ellsberg says. “King Charles III [of Britain] is no longer an emperor, as I understand it, but for all practical purposes Joe Biden is … Here’s a point I haven’t made to anyone but would like to in my last days here. Very simply, how many Americans would know any one of the following cases, let alone three or four of them?” Ellsberg then rattles off a series of U.S. orchestrated coups, most of them fairly well documented, starting with Iran in 1953, and then in Guatemala, Indonesia, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Brazil and Chile.

I respond by saying those were all Cold War policies, if covert ones, and ask him whether he thinks anything has changed since. In announcing the complete U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, for example — as the Taliban effectively chased American troops out of the country — Biden declared that the United States was “ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries.”

Ellsberg doesn’t believe it. “Democrats in this area are as shameless as Republicans,” he says. “Our elections in the realm of foreign policy and defense policy and arms sales, I have come to understand, are essentially between people vying to be manager of the empire.”


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