Exhibit A: How the Corporate Media Gaslights You

Matt Orfalea has created another excellent mashup, this one featuring the severe cognitive impairment of Joe Biden combined with eerily uniform corporate media commentary that Joe Biden is "sharp."

Youtube version:

How is it possible for all of these "news" outlets to chime in unison?

As George Carlin stated, "You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge."

And oops! Axios says the quiet part out loud:

Finally, to the crowd that admits that the CIA has intensely meddled in domestic politics, including election integrity, in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80, 90s, 00s and 10s, but that they are now well behaved,  here's yet another tantalizing possibility: Operation Mockingbird.

Operation Mockingbird is a real thing and it manipulated millions of Americans.

I'll end with a few disturbing modern-day stories by Tucker Carlson ...

Continue ReadingExhibit A: How the Corporate Media Gaslights You

They are trying to decide whether to have someone run out to the emperor with some clothes.

David Sachs: "The regime believes that if it can control the narrative, it can control reality. Hence the endless demands for censorship, the fake unreported crime stats, the revised economic numbers, the bogus experts, the phony dossiers, and false claims of disinformation. But once in awhile, reality pokes through the narrative mirage in such an obvious way that the truth can no longer be covered up or denied. And in that moment, the regime has no idea what to do. Practiced only in the art of dissembling, it panics, and the apparatchiks turn on each other. It’s fricking beautiful to behold."

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Exposed: The Extent to Which the Corporate Media Lies

Proven: The extent to which the corporate news is willing to lie about Biden's cognitive function (and lie about every other major issue).

Bari Weiss writes:

Rarely are so many lies dispelled in a single moment. Rarely are so many people exposed as liars and sycophants. Last night’s debate was a watershed on both counts.

The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy—oy—was it ever.

But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine.

Anyone who committed the sin of using their own eyes on the 46th president was accused, variously, of being Trumpers; MAGA cult members who don’t want American democracy to survive; ageists; or just dummies easily duped by “disinformation,” “misinformation,” “fake news,” and, most recently, “cheapfakes.”

This is how intensely they have been gaslighting us. From 3 months ago . . .

From Matt Taibbi's article today, The Democratic Coup:

When the most deranged and disturbing presidential debate in our history was over, the event’s cable hosts, CNN, tossed to mild-mannered John King for instant reaction. The silver-haired anchor, whose normal specialty is fussing over the “Magic Wall” electoral map on election nights, performed a grimmer duty last night:

There is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party… It involves party strategists, it involves elected officials, it involves fundraisers. And they’re having conversations about the president’s performance, which they think was dismal… They’re having conversations as to what they should do about it. Some of those conversations include, “Should we go to the White House, and ask the president to step aside?”

Whoa. Murder on the CNN Express continued around a table of analysts who’ve been telling us for years that Joe Biden is a fit president. Each now echoed King. “The panic that I am hearing from Democrats is not like anything that I have heard,” concurred Abby Phillip. “They are now seeing a President… they do not necessarily believe can do this for another four years.” Barack Obama’s right hand David Axelrod said: “I can’t argue with either of them about how Democratic leaders are reacting.”

Biden's incompetence has been plain to see for years, but corporate media and Biden's cheerleaders have been denying it . . . until last night. Perhaps one might like to spin this this process by invoking Thomas Kuhn's anodyne phrase, "paradigm shift."

Thomas Kuhn argued that science does not evolve gradually toward truth. Science has a paradigm that remains constant before going through a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some phenomenon, and someone proposes a new theory. A scientific revolution occurs when: (i) the new paradigm better explains the observations and offers a model that is closer to the objective, external reality; and (ii) the new paradigm is incommensurate with the old. For example, Lamarckian evolution was replaced with Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.

Because the process has been intentional and manipulative all along, I prefer to use the term "gaslighting"

Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.

Continue ReadingExposed: The Extent to Which the Corporate Media Lies

Why Isn’t the COVID Origin and Cover-Up the Hottest Story Around?

Our government working hard to prove that they don't give a shit about us. Revelations by Rand Paul. Corporate media, fascinated by the COVID pandemic, avoids this this story like the plague.

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Real History of COVID and Anthony Fauci’s “History” of COVID

We now know more than ever about the origin of COVID, but you wouldn't know this if you stick with the corporate news, the biggest cheerleaders for Anthony Fauci. Here's a summary of the testimony of Stephen Quay from the recent Senat Homeland Security Committee's hearing on the "ORIGINS OF COVID-19: AN EXAMINATION OF AVAILABLE EVIDENCE."

Stephen Quay (M.D., PH.D.) is former Faculty at Stanford University School of Medicine). As John Leake summarizes Quay's testimony, "He presented highly persuasive arguments that SARS-COV-2 was the creation of American scientists working with partners at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)."

First, the virus was spreading in Wuhan in the early fall of 2019, two to four months before the first case in the Hunan Seafood Market. This is supported by fourteen observations or evidence. This should be sufficient to dismiss the Hunan Market as the source of the outbreak.

Second, I look at the data from the market, including human infections, animal samples, and environmental specimens. This involves looking at eight observations or evidence. None of these data are consistent with an infected animal passing SARS2 to a human at the market.

Third, documented events at or related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or WIV, beginning in March 2019, are consistent with the expected activities of a virology lab in which a laboratory acquired infection has occurred. I will go through that timeline.

Fourth, the evidence that is found in a natural zoonosis with respect to the animal host, the virus, and the human population in the vicinity of the outbreak is missing for the COVID pandemic. Each of these three components of a zoonosis will be examined separately and each will be found wanting.

Fifth, the genome of SARS-CoV-2 has seven features that would be expected to be found in a virus constructed in a laboratory and which are not found in viruses from nature. The statistical probability of finding each feature in nature can be determined and the combined probability that SARS2 came from nature is less than one in 1.2 billion. These same features were described in a grant application submitted to DARPA in 2018 by scientists from the WIV, together with US collaborators.

Sixth and final, the earliest genomes of SARS2 were unstable and could not have come from an animal host without the stabilizing mutation, the so-called D614G change, that appeared in human viruses beginning January 1st, 2020. The consequence of this is that I can conclude that the first human infection occurred soon after the insertion of the furin cleavage site in the laboratory and before extensive animal testing. Otherwise, the first human cases would have had this stabilizing mutation. It also means that the unstable version of SARS2 could not have been circulating in animals, otherwise it would have acquired the stabilizing mutation. If any virologist can find an animal host that can transmit the unstable ancestral SARS2 five or more times without obtaining the stabilizing mutation, they have found a hypothetical candidate for a spillover host. All testing to date of potential hosts has failed this test.

Natural spillovers have multiple markets. SARS-CoV-1 , which emerged in China in 2002, and was found in at least 11 markets. 192 animals showed a 100% infection rate for SARS-CoV-1. This starkly contrasts with 457 animals that were tested for SARS-CoV-2, with zero found to be infected.

Leake also offers further summary and analyis regarding the hearing, including the testimony of Professor Richard Ebright (PH.D. Rutgers University):

The “smoking gun” evidence for a lab origin of COVID-19, came from a separate EcoHealth proposal to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)—which deemed it too dangerous—presenting the exact feature of a furin cleavage site in the virus.

SARS-CoV-2 is the only one of more than 800 known SARS viruses that possess a furin cleavage site.

All the while, Anthony Fauci is making the rounds again, pushing the natural zoonosis (zoenetic, non-lab) origin. In fact, he is doubling down on his claims that COVID spontaneously emerged out in the wild. Why? Brett Weinstein explains:

Brett Weinstein:

Fauci has to keep the ridiculous “natural origin” idea alive for 2 reasons:

1. If SARS-CoV2 came from the lab, he can’t hide the harms with accounting tricks—ALL the harms of Covid and our response belong to him.

2. His legacy and kingdom depend on irrational fears of zoonosis.


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