Poe’s Law Gone Bad

There was a recent online tempest about an article posted by Roger Ebert outlining, nay promoting, the Creationist way of thinking. For a few days, many were arguing about whether his site was hacked, or had he lost his rational mind? I voted for "hacked". Turns out, he was attempting…

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Christian Libeler Threatening to Sue Atheist for Exposure

I am not one to encourage a lawsuit, and am no expert in the law. But if you read the details about this suit, you might want to give to the cause. In brief, a Creationist posted a long monologue rehashing many long-disproved arguments claiming to be original and irrefutable…

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Making an Atheist Read the Bible, for Cash

Here's an interesting recent event: Atheists collecting for charity by publicly reading from holy texts. College students at Penn State came up with the idea, and in 9 hours they raised over $500 to give to Doctors without Borders. They set up a table with copies of a wide assortment…

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Ignorance Rampant

The following is a quote lifted from Charlie Stross's blog and is pretty much In Full. We. Are. Not. Going. To. Die. On. Wednesday. The maximum energy the particles generated by the LHC (7TeV) get up to is many orders of magnitude below the maximum energy of cosmic rays that…

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In exactly what ways should we keep our children ignorant about sex?

At DI, we have an extremely conservative fellow visiting the blog these days.  He's trying to convert all of us to his reactionary world view.  He clings to his Bible as a book of literal truths and he seems to love everything that Sarah Palin ostensibly stands for. I'd like…

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