Mangers Endangered

No one else here has yet mentioned this foo-fah-rah that emerged in the Washington state capitol in Olympia, and is spreading to others. Several governors have allowed Nativity scenes to be erected in their Capitol rotundas. In Washington state, the regional atheists got permission to put up an adjacent sign…

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One of the most egregious parts of the “Patriot Act” is held unconstitutional

Yesterday, one of the most egregious parts of the "Patriot Act" was held unconstitutional by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.   This decision was a no-brainer, but you can never take things for granted.  The ACLU website summarizes the decision.   Here's an excerpt: A federal appeals court today upheld,…

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Commercial Interruption

With apologies in the lead for anyone feeling this is inappropriate, the Missouri Center for the Book has something for the poetry lover.  Last January, Missouri was granted its first official Poet Laureate.  At the inaugural celebration, Walter Bargen read a new poem for the occasion, a poem which spoke…

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The Emperor’s new shoes

Compare this: But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on." With this report from Think Progress: McClatchy identified the man as Iraqi television journalist Muthathar al Zaidi and reports he threw both of his shoes at Bush just after he finished prepared…

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