Teaching Tolerance is Not Enough for Many Activist Teachers

I'm full-in for teaching students to be tolerant of each other. As I see it, the most important lessons are A) not to bully anyone, especially because they are seen as different and B) not to judge others because of how they look.

This is not enough for many teachers based on information Abigail Shrier has gathered. With regard to information relating to sexual relationships many middle school teachers are being encouraged to send one message to students, yet send another message to parents. Even more worrisome, many "lessons" about sexual relationships are turning into unauthorized therapy imposed on children without the knowledge of their parents. It is not surprising that many parents are outraged upon learning of these strategies. See here here and here.

Here's a dichotomy that works for me: Public schools should teach students how to think, not what to think. That boundary is not being respected in many schools, according to Shrier's recent article: "How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids: Leaked Documents and Audio from the California Teachers Association Conference Reveal Efforts to Subvert Parents on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation." Here's an excerpt:

Incensed parents now make news almost daily, objecting to radical material taught in their children’s public schools. But little insight has been provided into the mindset and tactics of activist teachers themselves. That may now be changing, thanks to leaked audio from a meeting of California’s largest teacher’s union.

Last month, the California Teachers Association (CTA) held a conference advising teachers on best practices for subverting parents, conservative communities and school principals on issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. Speakers went so far as to tout their surveillance of students’ Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations in order to target sixth graders for personal invitations to LGBTQ clubs, while actively concealing these clubs’ membership rolls from participants’ parents.

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Doctor’s Career Damaged for Believing in the Dream of Martin Luther King

Here's what the current climate of hyper-race-consciousness is getting us. It has derailed the career of a top-flight OB/GYN doctor who describes herself as a "bi-racial woman with multi-racial children." Her sin was to believe in the vision of Martin Luther King. She discusses what her employer, Hennepin Healthcare System (HHS), did to her in this short video.

"Dr. Tara Gustilo is of Filipino descent, the mother of black children, and a Harvard-educated physician at Hennepin Healthcare System (HHS) in Minneapolis. She was Chair of the OB/GYN Department, until HHS decided her personal views on race did not correspond with her skin color and revealed her supposed “internalized whiteness.”

Over the last decade, Dr. Gustilo has served successfully in various leadership roles at HHS. She created a program to reflect cultural differences in birthing practices to better serve her diverse patients. But over time, her colleagues transformed this program into racially segregated care.

When Dr. Gustilo voiced her objections, advocated for race-neutral care, and criticized racial essentialism on her personal Facebook page, her colleagues told her that she, as a person of color, should hold the same race-essentialist views they do and could not lead because she does not share those beliefs. HHS then removed her from her position as Chair of the OB/GYN department. Dr. Gustilo has now filed an EEOC discrimination charge against HHS."

Unfortunately, there are many more stories like this. You can read about many of them at Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism ("FAIR").

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We Know We are not Infallible, but We Don’t Know What We are Infalliable About.

Jonathan Haidt, Robert George, Steven Pinker, and Leda Cosmides discuss human biases and why we need healthy institutions and viewpoint diversity to counteract them.

One important change could restore vibrancy to our universities: a renewed celebration of viewpoint diversity.

The university is meant to be a sacred space where we can test novel ideas and engage in thoughtful dialogue without fear of repercussions. When these ideals are no longer prioritized, the culture of open inquiry and truth-seeking dissipates.

Listen to Jonathan Haidt, Steven Pinker, Leda Cosmides, and Robert George discuss how to overcome our biases and foster a healthy academic culture.

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Kenosha Documentary Allows you to Make Up Your Own Mind

Three hellish days of Kenosha told in raw recordings, without commentary. Below is the trailer. I support this project, which is a good step for circumventing filters and lies of legacy media outlets. Now you can make up your own mind.

Hi, I'm Matt Orfalea, producer/director/editor of "Killing Kenosha".

"Killing Kenosha" is a feature-length film documenting the 2020 civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It covers the dramatic 48 hours between the police shooting of Jacob Blake and the shootings of Kyle Rittenhouse, who is currently on trial for murder. Here's a 10-minute opener.

WHY I'M MAKING THIS FILM The full story of the 2020 Keosha unrest must be told and understood in order to prevent such tragedies from repeating.

WHY I NEED YOUR HELP Unfortunately, even though "Killing Kenosha" has all the aspects of a blockbuster movie (drama, crime, horror), it is not a lucrative endeavor. Everywhere I've tried to secure funding, I've been told, "It's too controversial". Likewise, my YouTube videos on the events have been demonetized. I've been passionately researching and editing this project myself for months and I need your financial support to complete the following tasks. . .

Here's Matt Orfalea's gofundme page.

It should make us all pause to hear anyone criticizing raw footage. It's coming from the political left, unsurprisingly. They are trying to preserve their chosen narrative at all costs, even if it requires attacking classic liberals like the producer of this documentary, Matt Orfalea:

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John Cleese Self-Cancels

An excerpt, from an article about the man who impersonated Hitler hilariously and lived to talk about it:

But the whole exercise underlines how hard it is, even for the younger generation, to navigate the etiquette they have helped create. If you elevate the taking of offence to the ultimate guiding principle, people will begin to operate out of fear of censure. That fear can impede creativity, especially in those who lack cultural power (which Cleese obviously does not).

It also makes it difficult to test your ideas in opposition to others’, something a university debating society should probably adopt as a priority.

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