The Self-Appointed Smart People Should be in Charge of Everything, They Say

This is one of the major divides in modern world: Some people think the People should really run their own governments. Then there is an elite handful of people who believe that because they are so super-smart, the public-facing government should be a facade for unwashed masses, a Potemkin village, and the self-appointed rich fucks should call all the shots.

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Double-Check Your Informational Ecosystem

If you eat shitty food, your body will suffer. If you ingest shitty information, you will act "rationally" on the basis of that bad information. If you are extremely smart, you will think and act extremely well on behalf of that shitty information. There are thousands of Iago-equivalents on on the federal payroll. Their job is to insidiously gain control of your brain so that (in the case of modern-day Democrats) you'll become pro-censorship, pro-war and and a big believer in race-essentialism (among many other things). In short, you'll become the opposite of what you were 10 years ago, you won't know why you did the 180 and you won't even be concerned that you have betrayed many of your deepest convictions.

Before you weigh in on any issue of national importance, then, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether your world view has been hijacked by US censorship and propaganda. The "misinformation" and "malinformation" system is extremely sophisticated, developed over the decades by deep state experts. Based on recent disclosures, legacy media have been significantly funded by USAID and other federal sources for many years, going back to Project Mockingbird and beyond. Whether you are "smart" has nothing to do with it. Your only hope is to read widely and read news sources that conflict with each other so you can weigh the evidence for yourself. This will take too much work for many people. They will stick with U.S. approved "news" sources and they are the most over-confident people here on FB. And for those who still think they are well informed by relying on legacy news, did you know this:

For those still skeptical about the CIA’s role in censoring and propagandizing the U.S. public, a good starting point is The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein. Published in 1977 in Rolling Stone, this investigative piece by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist details how the CIA cultivated relationships with major news outlets, including The New York Times, CBS, and Time-Life, to shape narratives and suppress stories. For more recent accounts of CIA manipulation of Americans, follow Mike Benz on X, see the Twitter Files on X and follow Matt Taibbi at Racket News.

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FFFO Report: EU, Financed by U.S. Taxpayers is Trying to Shut Down Free Speech in the U.S

Excerpt from a new must-read report issued by the Foundation for Freedom Online: "23 US-Funded Organizations Drive The EU’s War on Tech Companies."

The American taxpayer is bankrolling online censorship in Europe. Multiple organizations involved in enforcing the EU’s draconian Digital Services Act (DSA), which imposes massive fines on American tech platforms found guilty of carrying “misinformation” or “hate speech,” are American entities backed by American government funding.

Supporters of these efforts, many of whom are deeply tied to the legacy US foreign policy establishment, admit that the goal of these efforts is to shut down free speech for Americans. The pressure is about to mount, as the previously-voluntary EU code of practice on disinformation becomes a mandatory regulation governing tech companies operating in the region.

The Foundation for Freedom Online has analyzed organizations that signed the EU’s code of practice, or are involved in enforcing it, finding eight organizations that receive funding from US government sources.

Additionally, two of the organizations on the list, NewsGuard and Bellingcat, are drectly involved in enforcing the EU’s censorship regime, as active participants in Europe’s network of EU-backed “digital observatories” aimed at detecting disfavored online narratives that can be analysed and targeted for censorship.

Who are these U.S. funded entities that are working overtime to deny Americans their right to free speech?  The above report names the names. And it is all looking incredibly ominous. The bottom line is that the U.S. right to free speech is being attacked by "foreign" entities that are financed by U.S. taxpayers. Americans are afflicted with the free speech version of an auto-immune dysfunction. Here is more from the report:

As the Foundation for Freedom Online highlighted in its 2024 Censorship Index, the U.S. government also pushed censorship in Europe through the State Department’s office of public diplomacy:

Gave the Atlantic Council a $300,000 grant to build a “transatlantic response to disinformation.” This grant was seemingly used to fund a conference involving conversations about cooperating on the EU Digital Services Ac (DSA)t. A grant transaction description mentions a June 2022 conference.

The Delegation of the EU to the United States and the Atlantic Council hosted a June 2022 EU-US Defense and Future Forum. During the conference, members of an audience, which included officials from the U.S. State Department, asked questions to and attended a talk by Gerard De Graaf on the EU-US Digital Policy Agenda, largely centered around the DSA.

Gerard De Graff was the Director of Digital Transformation at the European Commission. He is responsible largely for the creation of the DSA. De Graff was named Special Envoy for Digital to the US and head of the newly created EU San Francisco Office in September 2022, seemingly fitted near Silicon Valley to push American tech platforms into compliance with Orwellian European regulations.

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Who is in Charge?

I'm trying to make sense of who has been in charge of the many trends that are damaging our country (e.g. open borders, constant war, regime-change operations, health care totalitarianism & bureaucratic fraud). I suspect the power structure, if not this, it is something like what you see in this chart, in that most elected national officials are pawns. They have bosses above them. They don't see We the People as their clients. They see us as threats to their ideology and their job security. You can often hear them saying these things out loud (e.g., at the WEF).

Their #1 job is to censor and propagandize us by funding and controlling legacy news so that we believe that national elections still matter. A free and open internet, where we can exchange ideas with each other, is their #1 threat. If all of this sounds bizarre or conspiratorial to you, it's because you have limited your information diet to legacy news outlets, which have been controlled for years, through various government-funded carrots and sticks administered by so-called NGOs that are funded with your tax dollars by the likes of USAID, CEPPS and INTERNEWS.

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Michael Shellenberger: Give the “Death Penalty” to Organizations that Attacked the Free Speech Rights of American

Michael Shellenberger offers an excellent summary of the nefarious conduct of the censorship industrial complex and lays out ties to some of its government funding sources. The people on FB who most need to understand this won't be able to. Their minds have been taken over and they fear information that challenges this propaganda.

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