Why and How to have Conversations With the People Who Disagree with Us

Here, Scott Barry Kaufman tells us why we need to have conversations with people who think differently than us:

Here is a long list of many of the things we have in common, a list compiled by Donald Brown in a book called Human Universals. I commented on this long list in a previous post.

And here is a good recipe for having those conversations, the HxA Way of Heterodox Academy.

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J.K. Rowling Responds to Trans Rights Activists who Doxxed Her

J.K. Rowling is more brave than even Harry or Hermione. Those who doxxed Rowling cannot win on their ideas. That's why they resort to bully and threats, including threats to kill Rowling.

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J.K. Rowling Won’t be Part of the 20th Anniversary Harry Potter Reunion

J.K. Rowling won't be part of this 20th Year Harry Potter extravaganza, presumably because her over-active imagination just got too damned carried away: She has publicly confessed that she believes in a world where real-life women exist.

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About Trump’s “Friendly” Relationship with Russia

Tribal forces are strong and counter-narratives are a bitch. Glenn Greenwald points out that on two key issues, Trump was most definitely not under Russian control. These incidents should have stopped Russiagate in its tracks, but they didn't.

Here's more evidence of the counter-narrative that was ignored and suppressed. It should have been big news and it should have given left-leaning news media pause. Acknowledging facts like this makes you less popular at your friends' cocktail parties.  Greenwald's words are harsh but well-deserved:

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