Judging the violence of others

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has written an excellent multidisciplinary work on the meaning of life, entitled The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom (2006). I am presently reading Haidt's book for the second time, paragraph by paragraph.  This is clearly one of the books I would take to a…

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A different point of view regarding the Israeli occupation of Gaza

Do you think that you're getting a neutral perspective of the Israeli occupation of Gaza when you rely on the U.S. media?  Think again.  Ask yourself this simple question: Where can you get a carefully-documented viewpoint that you would have if you were a resident of Gaza? The Media Education…

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I watched a good portion of Bush's last press conference and couldn't help thinking it was an audition for the part of a recovering junkie recently fallen off the wagon.  It wasn't the words so much as the body language and facial expressions that held my attention.  Surreal?  Hasn't the…

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Yet another example of why “Sunshine is the best disinfectant”

This latest example of well-armed humans being cruel to relatively helpless humans has embarrassed Israel, as it should. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJaPZLNLBu8[/youtube] Meanwhile, there are more than 100,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, doing who-knows-what because the U.S. media is not covering Iraq anymore.  The official word is that our soldiers are still out…

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