More Medical Studies Needed Explore Dr. Paul Thomas’ Findings Regarding Vaccination

Dr. Paul Thomas gathered data from his patients over many years. 2,700 vaccinated and 560 unvaccinated. You can see Dr. Paul's data here.. He explains his findings below. I have no expertise in this area and I am not making any medical claims, except for this: This data is disturbing, arguably terrifying. More studies are needed to confirm or dispel Dr. Paul's findings and concerns.

I gathered information from 2,700+ vaccinated children and 500+ unvaccinated children in MY OWN CLINIC. The findings are remarkable: asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, behavioral issues, ADD, ADHD, conjunctivitis, and breathing issues are all SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE in the #Vaccinated children.

Wait a minute, I thought that vaccines were supposed to prevent infections. What's going on here?"

Also, he shares an eye-opening observation: "In my 10 years of practice, I have had ZERO kids with ADHD that were unvaccinated! That's UNBELIEVABLE, folks!" - Do you know that NO AMISH person has ever been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD? What do the Amish and unvaccinated children have in common?

Wouldn’t it be beneficial to further understand the potential implications on the health of children who receive childhood vaccines? It seems like a NO-BRAINER to me

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Dangerous Intersection (DI) is Back After Being Hacked

This site is attacked as many as 4,000 times per day. Well, something got through the protective software and pulled the site down. This is the first time this has happened in 18 years. I hired a company to clean the site and further fortify it. Hopefully, this will be the last time this happens. I'm happy to be back up!

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About Corporatism

Robert Malone is concern about that new thing that is not not capitalism and not socialism:

This used to go by the name “crony capitalism” which perhaps describes some of the problems on a small scale. This is another level of reality that needs an entirely different name. That name is corporatism, a coinage from the 1930s and a synonym for fascism back before that became a curse word due to wartime alliances. Corporatism is a specific thing, not capitalism and not socialism but a system of private property ownership with cartelized industry that primarily serves the state.

The old binaries of the public and private sector – widely assumed by every main ideological system –have become so blurred that they no longer make much sense. And yet we are ideologically and philosophically unprepared to deal with this new world with anything like intellectual insight. Not only that, it can be extremely difficult even to tell the good guys from the bad guys in the news stream. We hardly know anymore for whom to cheer or boo in the great struggles of our time.

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