CDC and Corporate News Media Profoundly Disinterested in Reedley, California Nightmare-Level Illegal Biolab

Almost no news media coverage of this surreal situation: CDC disinterest in an illegal Chinese-funded lab with pouches of ebola, transgenic mice with COVID-19 and other extreme hazards. No coverage by NYT, CNN, MSNBC or NPR. Only one day of token bury-the-lede coverage by WaPo. See the 8-minute video at Twitter explaining how the city of Reedley, California rang the alarm, crying out for help to the CDC, which reluctantly, ultimately, did a shitty job of "investigating" this lab, despite ubiquitous evidence of dangerous wrongdoing.

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Jonathan Haidt: How to Save Our Children from Smart Phones and Social Media

Jonathan Haidt: The combination of social media plus smart phones is irreparably damaging grade schoolers and middle schoolers. He offers this advice:

1. No smart phones before high school, when they are 14 (only flip phones)

2. No social media until age 16.

3. Phone free schools. No phones even in backpack. They must be kept in a locker.

4. Far more free play and unsupervised play to develop childhood independence.

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