Today’s Gratitude

Evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller's Tweet is worth considering, repeatedly:

How many of these ancestors are there?  Well . . . just move up your family tree 20 generations and you will find more than one million great great great . . . grandparents.  And they all had to find each other and mate at the right time or else you wouldn't be sitting there reading this.  This is one of the many cases where facts are more amazing than any fiction you could ever concoct.

I've long been fascinated by this thought experiment.  Imagine driving along the highway passing your chronologically arranged ancestors, all standing in a line.  What would that be like?  

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Grace Church School Experiences Anti-Racism Convulsions as Math Teacher and Parent Express their Concerns with Wokeness Ideology

I'd like to be the fly on the wall at the $54K/year Grace Church School in Manhattan. I want to know if there has been any meaningful discussion at the school now that, Paul Rossi, the math teacher who raised concerns last week, has been told to stay home because of "safety" concerns. And now, Andrew Gutmann, one of the parents at the school has spoken up in a big way.

The critical race theory indoctrination is thick at the school, where Gutmann has now pulled his daughter out of the school to protect her. Gutmann gave the school a huge gift on his way out: a 1700-word mass mailing to the other parents (reprinted in its entirety by Bari Weiss) describing in great detail his concerns with the school's intense obsession with the poisons of Wokeness.

As shown by this excerpt from the school's response, however, words and ideas are now allegedly the same thing as "violence" to the students--real conversation and the airing of differences are forbidden by the intense Wokeness training.  I can't think of a better way for the school to admit that Woke ideology withers when confronted with real facts and real discussion.

The extent of the damage being done to the students is on display in the mass mailing sent by Jane Foley Fried, the Head of the Brearley School (the letter is reproduced in the article). An excerpt:

Jane Fried, Brearley's head of school, sent a message to the school's families on Friday in which she slammed Gutmann's letter as 'deeply offensive and harmful.'

'This afternoon, I and others who work closely with Upper School students met with more than one hundred of them, many of whom told us that they felt frightened and intimidated by the letter and the fact that it was sent directly to our homes,' Fried wrote.

'Our students noted that as this letter, which denies the presence of systemic racism, crossed their doorways, the evidence of ongoing racism – systemic or otherwise – is daily present in our headlines.'

But Gutmann claims that Brearley students should not be 'frightened' by receiving a letter at their homes.

'The upper schoolers are afraid of getting a letter at their home?' Gutmann said Saturday.

'They're frightened and intimidated? The school has said it's number one priority is to teach the girls intellectual bravery and courageousness. Either they are lying or else they have done an atrocious job.'

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Too Busy Writing New Baseless News Stories. We Don’t Have Time to Retract the Old Ones

Glenn Greenwald's recent Tweet opens up a Who's Who of irresponsible "news" media," left wing media this time:

These many news outlets are too busy slurping up new stories from American spies to clean up the old ones. The technique is called "bomb holing." I learned of this term from Matt Taibbi recently:

This technique of using the next bombshell story to push the last one down a memory-hole — call it Bombholing

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The Inevitable Question

I enjoy listening to Buck Angel. He's quite a good-hearted free spirit who speaks his mind. He's also a trans man who calls himself a trans man. He doesn't claim that he is the same as a "man," because (he explained on Joe Rogan) he was born a woman but presents as a man. Simple and straight forward. He became a trans man decades ago, when such decisions were driven solely by sexual dysphoria and not so much like social contagion, which leads to his question:

Someday, Buck's question will need to be addressed head-on and I can already see the future. The next move by TRA's (Trans Rights Activists) is that sexual dysphoria does not require any diagnosis based on any carefully determined criteria. The off-the-cuff conclusion of an activist counselor is all you need. Believe anyone who makes this claim, even though the rate of sexual dysphoria is now 1,000 times greater than in prior years. If you question this assertion, you are a bigot. It's entirely subjective and fluid. In other words, Wokeness "theory" will assert that there is no objectivity in this matter.

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Story about BLM Co-Founder Not Allowed Pursuant to Facebook’s Version of Free Speech

For many people it is an interesting fact that the co-founder of organization Black Lives Matters has gone on a expensive home buying spree. Hasn't this story been told hundreds of times over the years when famous people do some expensive signaling? It sometimes raises interesting questions about where these people got all of that money. In this case, it was determined by the New York Post that Patrisse Khan-Cullors bought four houses worth $3.2M. In a country that values free speech, information should flow and people can make of these stories what they want. For some people it won't be a big deal. For others, these purchases are controversial, because it suggests that money that should be going to a non-profit cause is being siphoned off into luxury.

The story about this story is much more interesting. It was reported by the New York Post. But Facebook (and Instagram) will not allow you to share this story, as discussed by FOX:

Facebook has barred users from sharing a New York Post report from last week about the controversial property acquisitions by Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors.

Users of the social media giant noticed on Thursday they could not share the link to a story that shed light on Cullors' multi-million-dollar splurge on homes. Fox News can confirm that an error message appears whenever users try sharing the article on their personal Facebook page or through the Messenger app.

When users attempt to send the link, an error message alleges that the article "goes against our Community Standards."

The New York Post published this follow-up story today, where Khan-Cullors claimed in a strangely narrowly-tailored defense: "“I have never taken a salary from the Black Lives Matters Global Networks Foundation,” she also said Thursday."

Again, this real estate buying spree could be an interesting story for many people, especially for those who wonder whether their donations to BLM (and its many affiliates) are really helping struggling black people.  The NYP adds: "But in insisting she did not take a salary from the organization’s non-profit foundation, Khan-Cullors left unsaid whether she was paid through BLM’s network of similarly named for-profit entities." Shouldn't people be able to freely share this information and make up their own minds about whether it is interesting?

Numerous Facebook users, however, were blocked from sending the NYP story.  One of those people, Abigail Shrier, was blocked from sending it as a private message on FB Messenger. Outraged, she wrote: "Facebook will not allow you to post this NY Post story or even to message it to another person. (I just tested it). So Facebook is now effectively opening your mail and reading the contents for ideologically objectionable material."

Shrier (who has been victimized by silicon valley regarding her book--and see here) (with the modern version of the ACLU joining in with this censorship) is following up on this disturbing censorship.

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