Democrats Spend Millions of $ Trying to Keep Robert F. Kennedy Off the Ballot

This is not democracy in action. This is shameful behavior by Democrats.

Instead of running a competent candidate for president, the DNC is spending $millions to keep an opposing candidate (RFJ, Jr.) off the ballot. Frank Luntz comments . . .

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Ukrainian Children Shoved Into the Meat-Grinder

Here's something you will never see on the U.S. corporate media outlets that cheer-leaded the U.S. into supporting this miserable carnage.

All of this could have been avoided, but Joe Biden and his crew of neocons who supported the Iraq debacle (Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken) crave endless war (and see here).

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Calley Means Delivers a long list of Horrifying Statistics Regarding the Poor Health of Americans

Americans have made themselves very sick. Calley Means delivers a long list of terrifying health statistics. "We are savaging our human capital."

“We’re committing genocide against our children."

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