Only Sometimes Does the CRT Crowd Insist on Having Statistical Evidence . . .

Andrew Sullivan posted this today:

After scanning the comments I posted this comment:

Interesting that so many in the CRT apologists in the comments are calling this man an outlier. NOW they want statistics. They want real statistics only when it is convenient to their ideology. You don't hear the CRT apologists clamoring for statistical evidence when Robin DiAngelo and Ibram Kendi are spreading their poison in full stride.

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The Power and Danger of Obscure Language

"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefids spurting out ink." — George Orwell

“Those who know that they are profound strive for clarity. Those who would like to seem profound to the crowd strive for obscurity. For the crowd believes that if it cannot see to the bottom of something it must be profound." --Friedrich Nietzsche

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Likely NY Democratic Voters Want More Police on on The Subways

Over the past year, the official narrative has been that police are bad and that we should defund or abolish the police.  A recent poll shows us that NYC Democratic primary voters resoundingly disagree. Within this group of voters, it difficult to overlook that the groups most seek more police include self-identified "Blacks" with school-aged children who are non-college graduate earning lower wages. Among those responding, those who most often claim that police should be kept off the subways are self-identified "Whites" who don't have school-aged children who are college graduates earning higher wages.  That said, all groups other than those describing themselves as "very liberal" or "under 45" seek more police, not fewer.

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Social Media Censors Discussion on the Safety of COVID Vaccines and Potential Alternative Treatments

I am not medically trained. I have nothing to contribute regarding the safety of COVID vaccines or the efficacy of potential alternative treatments such as the use of Ivermectin. I am writing this article because I am concerned about censorship of these issues, especially when these discussions involve well-accomplished experts. This article is a follow-up of my earlier article discussing the censorship of Brett Weinstein and medical experts by Big Tech, "Adverse Side Effects from COVID Vaccines." We need to have these conversations in order to break through the official gated policy narrative on these issues. I will tell this story in tweets. It will never be the case that censorship will improve the quality of the conversations on these issues. Click on these images and dig in:

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