If You Really Cared About Trans Lives . . .

Excellent point:

If you actually cared about trans lives... You'd DEMAND indubitable evidence for the medical treatment they receive. Especially when it involves an incredibly invasive/novel approach. Trans youth deserve better care than experimentation. Those are human beings, not lab rats. . . . Or have incredibly small sample sizes, poor control for confounding factors, & have virtually absent follow up greater than 5 years (where the most IMPORTANT data is lingering). I have a lot of bones to pick with today's "trans research."

Continue ReadingIf You Really Cared About Trans Lives . . .

Great Film, But You are the Wrong Color

Jesse Singal tweets:

In his same Tweet Thread: "Stop fucking reducing people to their skin color. It's gross and immoral behavior, and it's crazy to me that it's not only allowed but incentivized in so many liberal spaces."

This episode serves as a spotlight on the deplorable behavior of Abigail Disney.

Continue ReadingGreat Film, But You are the Wrong Color