Sleep deprivation can lead to obesity

As reported by The Birmingham Post (UK),  insufficient sleep can make you fat: The Warwick Medical School study,  led by Professor Francesco Cappuccio, found that adults who slept for less than seven hours and children who regularly got less than ten hours' rest faced an increased risk of obesity .…

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God returns to set the record straight

For centuries, of course, people had been praying for God to return to Earth.  He came back all right, but it was so very different than most people expected.  It happened on October 3, 2009.  I remember it like it was yesterday . . .

It had been quite cloudy that day, but the clouds parted to reveal a huge marquee announcing that God would appear within five minutes.  During this short wait, pastel patterns swirled across the skies while Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” played lushly from the heavens. Then, God’s image began to appear on thousands of monitors that appeared in the sky.  Everyone on the Earth was about see this spectacle simultaneously.

As you might expect with seven billion people, it took awhile to get everyone calmed down.  The preachers were especially excited; most of them were wearing big smug smiles as they strutted about.  “This is it!” many of them barked.

God cleared his throat and everyone waited, for what seemed to be an eternity, for His first words. 

“Hello,” He boomed. 

Many of you have referred to me by the name “God” or “Allah” or “The Force.”  I don’t really have any sort of body and thus I’ve never had any sort of sex organ.  Nonetheless, I’m presenting myself to you in the shape of an old man.  I thought this might make this presentation easier for many of you.

The preachers stopped strutting so much, and started to look perplexed.

“You’re probably wondering …


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Bush: Israel’s attack on Hezbollah justified by 9/11

9/11 has been a winning card for Bush, so it shouldn't be surprising that he's pulled it out once again:  Monday's speech was the one where the president tied Israel's fight against the armed Lebanese group Hizbullah to the events of September 11. The president said: "The current crisis is part…

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Christians should be . . . well . . . Christian

The following is from Bill Moyer's interview with Rev. Joseph C. Hough on October 24th, 2003. Rev. Hough, is President of the Faculty and a Professor of Social Ethics at the Union Theological Seminary: HOUGH: . . . anybody who claims in the name of God they're gonna run over…

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Mission (really) Accomplished – puppet-master Bin Laden successfully completes his mission.

How can you deny success?  It's reported here by the Associated Press: BAGHDAD, Iraq - Hundreds of thousands of Shiites chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" marched through the streets of Baghdad's biggest Shiite district Friday in a massive show of support for Hezbollah in its battle against Israel.…

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