The Manichean worldview of George W. Bush

Why has the Administration of George W. Bush made so many enemies?  It comes from an early intellectual decision to view the world in terms of Good versus Evil.  This article in by Glenn Greenwald sums it up nicely.  Efforts to impose limits on waging war against Evil will themselves be seen as…

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Paris Hilton goes to jail and other bites of word salad

If you Google “Paris Hilton Jail” you’ll get 15 million hits. If you Google “Downing Street Memo” you'll get only 800,000 hits. A terrifying real-world topic, “Greenland ice sheet,” will only return 900,000 hits. I suppose it’s because there are no videos of memos or glaciers having sex. What brought…

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Does anyone want to be the new Editorial Page Editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch?

Are they looking for someone with a conscience who will lead a team that will speak with passion and conscience?  Are they looking for someone who bases his or her writing on deep principles, letting the chips fall where they may?   Keep in mind that this is the modern version of the Post-Dispatch…

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A peek inside of the corrupt beltway media

At, Glen Greenwald describes it like this: If even our Beltway media -- rather, especially them -- argues that criminality by government officials should not be punished, and that light should not be shined on what they do, then pervasive government corruption and deceit are inevitable. That is just…

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Sam Harris and Chris Hedges on

This is a lively debate, as you might expect. You'll can view the entire debate at Sam Harris opens the debate by arguing that there are only three types of arguments used by those defending religion: That a particular religion is true; That believing in religion is useful; or…

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