Everyone we fight in Iraq is now “al-Qaida”

Glenn Greenwald links to Josh Marshall, who published an e-mail from a reader “who identifies what is one of the most astonishing instances of mindless, pro-government ‘reporting’ yet”:  It's a curious thing that, over the past 10 - 12 days, the news from Iraq refers to the combatants there as…

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How and why to impeach Dick Cheney.

This information comes from an article in the March 2007 edition of GQ. That in the buildup to war in Iraq, the vice president, lacking confidence in the true casus belli, conspired to invent additional ones, misrepresenting the available intelligence, crafting new “intelligence,” and then spreading these falsehoods to the…

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The Vatican issues new Ten Commandments of Driving

No punch line here.  It really happened. The Vatican has issued a set of "10 commandments" for motorists to promote safer driving. The "Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road" call on drivers to respect speed limits, refrain from drinking before driving and avoid cursing. Roman Catholics are also…

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Kangaroo trials at Guantanamo Bay now confirmed

We suspected it.  Now we know it.   The Gitmo trials were cooked, according to this article from MyWay:  SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - An Army officer with a key role in the U.S. military hearings at Guantanamo Bay says they relied on vague and incomplete intelligence and were pressured…

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Did our brains grow big because we learned to cook?

Consider that 60% of the energy expended by a resting baby is consumed by the baby's brain.  A resting adult brain uses 25% of its energy.  Compare this to the average ape brain, which uses only 8% of the apes energy.  In short, having a big brain requires a lot…

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