Why you need to speak up, especially after louts speak up.

New research reveals even if only one or two members of a group repeats an opinion, it is likely to be seen by others as representative of the whole group. Why does this occur? It boils down to availability and memory.  Compare this to the famous social psychology experiments run by Soloman Asch…

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Because Muslims are “barbarians” let’s start a war to bring on the end of the world . . .

Nothing like going to Washington D.C. to promote preemptive war with the support of your 50 million supporters.  That organization is Christians United for Israel (CUFI).  They do nothing with more energy than they divide the world into us and them, good and evil.  They've got the support of many…

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Who needs atheists when Christians start asking obvious questions?

Here's an article presenting nine questions by a Christian about Christianity. Good questions, such as: 2. How have the words of man (e.g. Virtually the entire Bible, minus direct quotes from Jesus) become equal with what we believe to be the words of God? How is what Paul said equal to…

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